R E L A T I O N S H I P    R E P O R T



                                     f o r



                          R I C H A R D    B U R T O N



                                     a n d



                        E L I Z A B E T H    T A Y L O R

























                                AWAKENINGS, INC.

                                 P.O. BOX 10155

                             Prescott, AZ 86304-0155

                         (520)776-7164  or (800)551-3121





                   Copyright 1987-1993 Widening Horizons, Inc.



    BIRTH DATE:   NOVEMBER 10, 2020              FEBRUARY 27, 2020







      YEAR:                1975                            1975

      PROGRESSED AGE:        50                              43

      LIFE PATH PERIOD:       1                               9

      PINNACLE:               3                               8

      PERSONAL YEAR:          7                               6









      LIFE PATH:              2                               8

      EXPRESSION:             8                            11/2

      SOUL URGE:              6                            13/4

      BIRTHDAY:               1                               9


      REPEATED NUMBERS:       2                               -

      INTENSITY POINTS:       -                               -

      CHALLENGE:              6                               4

      MATURITY NUMBER:        1                            19/1









      LIFE PATH:              2                               8

      EXPRESSION:          16/7                               8

      SOUL URGE:              1                               7

      BIRTHDAY:               1                               9


      REPEATED NUMBERS:       1, 2, 7                         8

      INTENSITY POINTS:       -                               -













U N D E R S T A N D I N G    E A C H    O T H E R    --    A N D


T H I S    R E L A T I O N S H I P




People form relationships for many reasons.  Sometimes, they fall

in love or find someone they admire.  Sometimes, they want to make

someone else happy or want to add interest and adventure to their

lives.  Very close relationships form when people enjoy the

pleasure of each other's company enough to want to share their




Relationships, of course, are ever changing.  They shift and

evolve as the individuals in the relationship grow and get to know

one another on a deeper level.  No matter how good a relationship

becomes, it can get even better when the two people learn to

accept and love each other just as they are.  As you continue to

broaden your understanding of each other, Richard and Elizabeth,

you're likely to enjoy an increasing acceptance and affection for

one another.



This profile can help you gain some of that understanding by

clarifying your personal characteristics and motivations.  It will

give you a picture of the kind of individuals you are and, at the

same time, explore the dynamics involved in your relationship.

The descriptions in the profile are based on the science of




As you read this profile, you may find that you've already

addressed some of the areas mentioned here.  On the other hand,

particularly if this is a new relationship, some of the issues

discussed may not yet have come to your attention.  In general,

though, you'll find that most of the profile focuses directly on

many subjects of current significance in your lives.








F I R S T    I M P R E S S I O N S





You have diversified interests.  Part of your activity is centered

around your concern for people.  Your undertakings may cover a

considerable range but the common denominator in many of them is

the satisfaction you derive from your interaction with others.

You like to give generously and lend a helping hand.  You're also

likely to enjoy challenges related to business and finance.  With

your interest in money and possessions, you may devote

considerable time to your material needs.



On occasion, though, you prefer to involve yourself primarily with

your private world and special projects.  You may be looking for

answers in science, mathematics or areas of a similar, profound

nature.  You may enjoy philosophical or spiritual studies, too.

You usually make good use of your intuition in your various






You have a strong concern with material matters and may thrive on

the give and take that you find in the business world.  Even if

you don't have any direct connection with business affairs, you're

pleased when other people are aware of your personal power.  It's

important, too, for you to achieve and maintain the status you

want.  To that end, you spend a good part of your time taking care

of your material needs.



Some of your activities include other people, often on a close

personal basis.  You enjoy helping others and, at times, can give

generously of your time, energy and affection.  Some of the time,

though, you prefer to be alone or with a few special friends,

concentrating on your inner life and inner needs.





Elizabeth, you have a positive viewpoint and a strong interest in

developing your potential.  You're usually on the lookout for

favorable chances to enhance or expand your life.  When you find

any promising possibilities, you're eager to take advantage of




At times, Richard, you enjoy exciting experiences which foster

your growth, just as Elizabeth does.  You're primarily interested,

though, in reaching and maintaining a stable and comfortable life

style with a minimum of disturbance.














H O W    T H E    T W O   O F    Y O U    G E T    O N    W I T H


O T H E R    P E O P L E    ---    A N D    E A C H    O T H E R









You're adaptable part of the time -- willing to adjust your time

and way of doing things as situations demand.  When some of your

own personal needs feel important, though, you may not display

this flexibility.  At these times, you frequently focus on your

needs with only an occasional thought about others.  When your

needs are not an issue, though, you're often willing to make

allowances for other people's desires.





Chances are you're a good leader.  You exhibit a fine

determination and persistence as you pursue your goals as well as

a superior ability to take charge.  Although these traits do much

to enhance your leadership, they tend to diminish your ability to

be accommodating to others.  You generally expect others to follow

your lead rather than thinking of giving in yourself to others'

needs.  Since you usually focus very clearly on the direction you

prefer to take, you often aren't that aware of others' points of




On occasion, though, you want to give to those people with whom

you feel very close.  You can be reasonably accommodating then and

adjust your actions to allow others considerable leeway.  At these

times, you may even be interested in listening to what other

people need as well as helping them take care of those needs.





As you probably know, Richard, things go reasonably well when

you're accommodating.  If you find somewhat more argument and

discussion in your life than you want, though, it may be worth

stretching a bit so that you're flexible more of the time.

Elizabeth, in particular, will be most appreciative of your

increased adaptability.  Spend the necessary time taking care of

your strong needs but try not to lose sight of others' needs while

working on your own.



Since you can be flexible at times, Elizabeth, you already have a

foundation on which to develop additional adaptability.  If you

can be somewhat more accommodating with those you hold close --

for instance, when some of your lesser desires are involved -- you

may be surprised at the difference it makes.  When you make an

effort to understand where others are coming from, you're more

likely to adapt to meet needs other than your own.  You may find

that you run into a lot less in the way of confrontation when you

do that.  When you combine this increased flexibility in approach

with your strong personality, there's likely to be a considerable

improvement in your ability to relate to others -- most

importantly Richard.









The two of you have a need for socializing that goes from one end

of the spectrum to the other.  Most of the time, though, you can

plan your socializing with a minimum of problems.  You both

sometimes delight in people -- parties, get-togethers or small

gatherings -- but you may also want to spend a part of your time

with only one or two close friends.  At times when either of you

feels somewhat reserved, you may prefer to keep your feelings to

yourself so as not to be misunderstood.



On occasion, too, you may both prefer to see few people and attend

few gatherings.  As long as you can each make it clear to the

other when it's important to spend time by yourself, the two of

you can probably make comfortable arrangements.  Friends may not

always understand how strong your needs are, at these times, to be

left completely alone.









The people who know you recognize the loving concern you often

show with parents, children and other relatives.  Others

appreciate your frequent readiness to support and assist in a

caring and responsible way.  There are times, though, particularly

when you're handling more responsibility than is comfortable, that

you may feel overwhelmed with your relatives' requests.  At those

times, you often decline to take on new obligations.



When you show a regard for children, they're often most

appreciative.  You want to give a lot, of course, to your own

children.  On occasion, though, they may not have your attention

when they need it because of your own involvement with other

pressing matters.  At times, too, you may get a bit too concerned

about your children.  They may complain when they feel that the

restrictions you impose -- limiting the places they can go or the

hours they can stay out, for instance -- aren't reasonable ones.

If you can learn not to pressure them because of your own worries,

you'll all have a better relation with each other.





A good deal of the time, you're there to help out when parents and

family are involved.  You enjoy their company, too, and allow some

time for family get-togethers or smaller family social affairs.

Some of the time, though, you avoid some of your obligations when

your own activities get in the way of family responsibilities.



At times, you show a liking for youngsters.  Naturally, you have a

particular concern for your own children and generally like to

give them the caring and attention they want.  At times, though,

you may have to choose between their desires and your own.  When

your children ask more of you than you want to give, you may

sometimes become resentful.





Both of you often show your loving concern for parents, children

and close family.  Your parents -- and offspring, too --

frequently get the kind of affection and attention they want.  At

times, you both pitch in and help with family matters when help is

needed.  Sometimes, too, you share the responsibilities with each

other when the load is heavy.  Richard, when you're feeling

overly protective, you may prefer to let Elizabeth take care of

family affairs, particularly in regard to the children.



Both of you have other needs and interests that may sometimes get

taken care of before family responsibilities.  It would be

worthwhile to clarify your mutual needs and concerns so that one

of you can take over family obligations when the other is caught

up in outside interests.


















H O W    T H E    T W O    O F    Y O U    G E T    A L O N G


E M O T I O N A L L Y    A N D    S E X U A L L Y









Your sensitivities can often be of help to each of you.  At times,

you both have a good sense of your own feelings and can be

perceptive enough to pick up on other people's feelings, too.  You

can sense when people's moods change and can adjust your own

approach to take those changes into account.



On occasion, though, when one or the other of you share your

insights and find that your views aren't accepted, you may feel

hurt or resentful.  When this happens, you may want to do some

inner searching to get a better understanding of yourself.  Until

you get to know this area better, you may choose to play down your

sensitivity so that you feel less vulnerable.



At those times when you're both sensitive, you can achieve a

special harmony that's likely to add a closeness to your

relationship that the two of you appreciate.  When either of you

isn't sensitive to the other -- for whatever reason -- that

intimacy isn't likely to be present.  Try to maintain your usual

awareness when you're concerned that the other might not be

understanding of your feelings.  That extra effort on both your

parts could count for a lot between you.









You often find it comparatively easy to talk to others about most

matters.  Both of you can usually tell other people how you're

feeling.  Most of the time, too, you communicate reasonably well

together and that draws you closer together.  For both of you,

though, as for many other people, your emotions sometimes get in

the way.



When either of you hold back your feelings, it may be difficult

for the other to deal with these repressed emotions.  When one or

the other of you expresses feelings more mildly than you're

actually feeling them -- irritation, for instance, rather than the

full-blown anger you actually feel -- the communication isn't

likely to be clear, either.  Your communication with each other --

as well as with other people -- can improve markedly as you both

learn to clarify your feelings.









Each of you has an affectionate side and can often be tender and

admiring.  You both frequently demonstrate an involved and caring

approach.  You're likely to be devoted to each other much of the

time.  On occasion, though, when you're not certain what kind of a

reception you'll receive when you display your affections,  the

two of you are likely to hold back on your feelings.  You may also

limit the affection you give to each other because of some

temporary concern about the other's willingness to respond.  At

these times, it would be worthwhile to discuss and resolve any

dissatisfactions or misunderstandings that seem to be standing in

the way.









In your sexual relations, you stress your very caring nature and

your ability to be intimate.  You want to display your extremely

affectionate feelings and receive similar tenderness in return.

The intimacy generated by your sexual relations is very important

to you.  The variety and excitement in sex is usually of much less




At times, though, you may not feel comfortable in asking for what

you want in sexual matters.  You can frequently get these needs

satisfied, nevertheless, when you're willing to express them






You prefer a sense of closeness in your intimate activities.  You

often emphasize the tender side of your nature and enjoy when that

tenderness is reciprocated.  Although some people are turned on by

the newness and adventure often associated with sex, the intimacy

you achieve is more important to you.  If you don't find it easy

to discuss your sexual desires, it may not always be apparent to

others what you would like in this area.  When you can discuss

your needs openly, though, you'll be more likely to get what you






You both have similar desires in sexual matters.  The two of you

are usually capable of giving to one another -- as long as you

each understand the other's needs.  When one of you exhibits more

interest than the other in having intimate relations, your

affection for each other generally makes it easy enough to iron

out the differences.  The sexual part of your relationship, then,

should provide the two of you with much satisfaction.  The good

feelings established here may help in resolving any difficulties

that may be encountered in other areas.








H O W    Y O U    B O T H    D E A L    W I T H    M O N E Y ,


B U S I N E S S    A N D    P O S S E S S I O N S









By and large, you're both usually realistic about material

matters.  When you're each resolving personal concerns -- major

purchases for your home, for instance, or planning vacations --

you tend to be rational.  When you're involved with work or

career, your conclusions are generally based on a reasonable view

of the facts at hand.  You both may get upset or excited a bit

more than others, though, causing your objectivity to lose its

edge on occasion.  At times, too, you can each be very idealistic.

In these situations, you often don't look at material matters with

the same logic and objectivity that you usually use.  Most of the

time, however, your sense of realism shines through.



Much of the time, then, you both work together comfortably on

material matters.  You each look at the world with a similar sense

of realism and objectivity.  When you're involved with material

affairs, you frequently see the facts of the matter in much the

same way.  Occasionally, though, one or the other of you gets

somewhat dreamy and considerably less objective.  When either of

you gets emotional, you also may not be aware that your strong

feelings can distort your judgment.  On these occasions, one or

both of you may not be seeing matters with your usual clarity.  At

times when either of you lose your objectivity -- for whatever

reason -- it may take a bit of effort for the objective person to

help the other to see matters more realistically.










You have some innate business ability and a reasonable

understanding of finances and commercial affairs.  When you choose

to concentrate on business matters, you can do quite well.  With

your other interests, though, you may frequently decide to use

your business skills merely as an addition to your other

capabilities.  You may place your primary emphasis on the non-

business side of your ventures.



From your mid-thirties on, Richard, you can use your business

skills with more facility than in your younger years.  It'll be

easier to initiate ventures, commercial or otherwise, and carry

them to completion.





Your potential for significant achievement is certainly there.

You have the ability to do well in business and to be amply

compensated.  You understand money and financial matters, and have

excellent executive skills.  If you can run your own firm or have

a significant administrative position in someone else's firm, your

needs in this area should be well satisfied.  If you're not

involved directly with business matters, you may put some of your

management skill to good use in your avocations or your private

life instead.



Elizabeth, from about the age of thirty-five on, you can make a lot

better use of your business ability and executive skills than you

did before.  In addition, you're likely to display more self-

confidence and self-control than previously.  At times, though, a

need to do things your own way may interfere with your progress in

the business world.  If you feel weak or dependent on occasion, it

will also hold you back.





Elizabeth, your assertiveness, determination and strong motivation

will be of great help in your business achievements.  Your unique

approaches along with your ability to work long and hard will also

stand you in good stead.  There's a fixity, though, Elizabeth, and

an individualistic manner that sometimes goes along with your

driving approach.  They may, on occasion, alienate some of your

colleagues and slow your own advance.  You can make more of your

business potential when you're more flexible and operate with a

lighter touch.  Richard, you also have good business ability but

you aren't necessarily inclined in that direction.  When you

choose, though, to make use of these skills along with your

unusual insights, you may produce good results.  When you

emphasize your individuality, it may come across, at times, in a

dominating way that may irritate your associates.  You can make

more of your business potential when you're more flexible in

dealing with the people around you.









You're generally very ambitious, Elizabeth, and want a comfortable

material life and all the good things that go with it.  You're

willing to exert a good deal of effort, no matter the risk, if the

return appears worthwhile.  You can live with a great deal of

strain in your life while you work for money, achievement or

power.  If you're not directly involved with business matters,

Elizabeth, you're still likely to pay close attention to Richard's

efforts in this area.  You have ambitions, too, Richard, and also

prefer a good material life.  Your ambitions, though, are usually

less pressing than Elizabeth's.  You generally operate with

reasonable plans, although, at times you're willing to tolerate a

certain amount of strain in pursuing your material goals.



At times the stresses that you're each willing to accept may place

pressure on your relationship.  You both may want to examine the

returns you receive in some of these pressure-cooker situations

and clarify whether the gains are worth the problems generated by

the stresses. When you adopt a more balanced approach to material

matters, Richard, most likely after you turn thirty-five to

forty, it may help to diminish the level of pressure in your life.








H O W       T H E      O P P O R T U N I T I E S       A N D


I N F L U E N C E S   I N   1 9 7 5    W I L L   A F F E C T


Y O U R   L I V E S   T O G E T H E R





At this time in your life, Richard, you're likely to have an

interest in your independence along with a concern with your

accomplishments and the status and recognition that go along with

those accomplishments.  Even if you're not directly involved with

business matters, you're apt to have some interest in the business

dealings of those close to you.  There's a good chance that you

also have a need to enjoy yourself and spend time on the lighter

side of life.  You may want to expand your interests as well as to

work on the development of your creativity.  Although the career

motivation may sometimes feel stronger and more compelling than

your desire for social life and adventure, you may, at times, feel

pulled in differing directions.



The broad ongoing concerns just described may occupy you for a

number of years.  Of more immediate effect in your daily life,

though, are the specific areas of interest which attract you.

Let's look at the specific areas on which you're apt to focus your

attention in 1975.



By and large, 1975 isn't a year for change and expansion.  Rather,

it's a time to take stock of yourself and your current place in

life in preparation for more dramatic action in the next few

years.  In 1975, you would do well to spend a good deal of your

time examining the past and present and planning for the future.

Reflect, analyze, study and meditate.  Try to find time to be

alone -- at least occasionally -- or to engage in quiet activity.

Get fully acquainted with yourself, your deep inner needs as well

as your hidden powers.  If there are responsibilities to handle,

take care of them as quickly as possible so that you have as much

time as possible for inner contemplation.



If you're so inclined, this could be a time for increased

spiritual awareness -- awareness which may prove particularly

meaningful in the years ahead.  Since you're likely to have a

desire to search for wisdom and hidden truth, this may be a year

when you can make considerable progress in your spiritual

undertakings.  You may also choose to concentrate on some

technical or scientific subjects which appeal to you.  You may

want to do research, write or teach in 1975.  With your fine

analytical sense and your unique viewpoint, you may make good

progress here, too, and be amply rewarded.



People may see you, though, as extremely detached this year, at

least on occasion.  If your communication isn't particularly clear

-- and there's a substantial possibility of that happening --

problems can easily arise.  Your communication may be further

disturbed by your tendency to repress your feelings much of the

time.  Don't force issues.  If you feel limited or lacking

direction on occasion, try to wait patiently until you see things

more clearly.  You may feel lonely at times, although you may also

understand the need for time alone to better develop your inner

resources.  If you possibly can, tell those close to you of your

strong need to spend time by yourself.  If you feel under stress

this year because of a sense of restriction, that stress may cause

health problems which require attention.





You're apt to have an interest in expanding your involvement with

other people at this time, Elizabeth, particularly in learning how

to give to others with more in the way of tolerance and

compassion.  At times, you may want to give to others by

expressing your creative side.  In all likelihood, you're also

interested in developing your individuality and independence as

well as in pursuing your own material interests.  You may have a

desire to accomplish a good deal in the business world and receive

recognition for your accomplishments.  If you're not personally

involved with business matters, you may display a concern in the

business affairs of close friends or family.  Since your interest

in giving may often be in opposition to your material concerns,

there may be occasions when you have to decide between two

considerably different directions.



You may be occupied for several years with the general interests

described above.  In addition to those general interests, though,

there are a few specific areas of concern which have a much

stronger impact on your daily life.  Let's examine the specific

areas of concern which are likely to attract your attention in




Your family and close friends are likely to be the focus of a good

deal of your attention this year.  There may be considerable

involvement with responsibilities related to children or parents.

This is a fine time to enjoy the pleasures of love, romance and

long-term relationships.  This may be a year to consider marriage

or to renew or become further acquainted with the pleasures

related to that relationship.



If your work is connected with the care of children or the

elderly, physical or mental health matters or social work, that

work may be particularly highlighted in 1975.  Whenever you're

involved with activities beyond your family and close friends,

though, everything is likely to move at a relatively slow pace.

Be receptive to the comparatively low-keyed influences and

opportunities which come your way this year.



There may be significant demands on you in 1975 -- demands for

your time, energy, affection, possibly money as well.  It wouldn't

be surprising if you frequently have a substantial amount of

responsibility to carry this year.  Since you are so helpful and

conscientious and have so much concern for those in need, much of

your time is likely to be spent ministering to those who require

assistance.  Your sympathetic manner and your kind, generous and

understanding approach will generally be apparent.  Your love and

affection, along with your innate ability to work for harmony and

balance, will often make the attention you give to others appear

particularly special.





You're both likely to be working under very different

circumstances in 1975.  Elizabeth, you're apt to be heavily

involved with home and family responsibilities or with work

involving helping and caring for others.  On the other hand,

Richard, there's a good chance that you're working on knowing

yourself and your feelings better and, possibly, on expanding your

spiritual horizons.  Since you're likely to be very people-

oriented this year, Elizabeth, while you're very much involved with

your own introspective needs, Richard, your activities aren't

likely to have much in common.  You may have to exert considerable

effort to share this year's experiences with each other because

you're both stressing such different activities in your lives.



Because of your particularly caring nature at this time, though,

Elizabeth, this may be a year emphasizing love and romance with

Richard.  If your communication with each other is clear, the

mutual good feelings can rise to new heights.  If either or both

of you are repressing your feelings, the communication isn't

likely to be clear, and there may be significant problems to work

on instead.



Each of you can use support from the other.  Richard, you need a

very special kind of quiet backing.  Elizabeth, if you can respect

the need that Richard has to go deep within, that respect will be

much appreciated.  Try not to ask too many questions or attempt to

manipulate or control situations involving Richard's inner needs.

If you can exhibit your trust in Richard's progress, Elizabeth,

that will prove most helpful.



Elizabeth, if Richard can listen to your troubles and bolster you

when you're having a difficult time, that emotional support can

prove of benefit in bringing the two of you closer together.  If

Richard can point out when you're not taking care of your own

needs because of your over concern with others, Elizabeth, that may

help you to develop a better balanced approach.



Make sure you both set aside time to spend together at regular

intervals, if at all possible.  If you don't make the effort, you

may find little time for problem solving, sharing and mutual

pleasures.  The tone of 1975 is likely to be determined, in

considerable part, by the amount of understanding you have of each

other's activities and the loving and caring support you can each








W H A T    Y O U    C A N    B O T H    E X P E C T    F R O M


T H I S    R E L A T I O N S H I P






The two of you now have a good idea of your significant

personality traits as described by numerology.  You have a good

idea, too, of how you can expect to be treated by each other --

and how you both relate to parents, children and friends.  You're

also aware of your corresponding traits in regard to business and

financial matters.



The beauty and success of your relationship is partly dependent on

these characteristics as well as the efforts the two of you are

willing to make to more fully understand and appreciate each other.

The significant interest that you both have in material

possessions, financial affairs and business relations forms an

important link between you.  Richard, you also have a strong

concern with people and people-centered activities.  Along with

your involvement in material ventures, Elizabeth, you may enjoy

philosophical or spiritual activities.  With these different

approaches, there's likely to be a certain amount of give and take

before you feel completely comfortable together.  The differences

in your personalities, though, may serve as opportunities to learn

from each other's strengths.



The concern, trust and good will that you both have for the other

are of considerable importance.  There's one factor, though, that

matters more than all others in making this a successful

relationship.  A good life together depends on the extent of your

personal commitment to help each other develop, both as

individuals and as part of a loving couple.



















