Heaven Knows What

Astrological Report for Grant Lewi

by Grant Lewi





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Your Chart Data

Name: Grant Lewi
Date: Jun 08, 2020
Time: 08:30:00 AM EST +05:00
Place: Albany,NY
073W45'24" 42N39'09"


Here are the elements of your birth chart or horoscope calculated for the moment you were born. The horoscope provides a permanent record of what surrounded life at its beginning. It is the blueprint from which the following interpretations are read.

Natal Chart for Grant Lewi
Koch House System

Planet in Sign Zodiac in House House Cusp

Sun Gemini 16�Ge48' 11th 01st 09�Le34'
Moon Cancer 19�Ca29' 12th 02nd 05�Vi07'
Mercury Cancer 05�Ca53' 11th 03rd 00�Li54'
Venus Taurus 05�Ta08' 10th 04th 26�Li40'
Mars Gemini 00�Ge47' 10th 05th 11�Sg57'
Jupiter Aquarius 17�Aq15' 07th 06th 13�Cp10'
Saturn Capricorn 27�Cp02' 06th 07th 09�Aq34'
Uranus Sagittarius 19�Sg24' 05th 08th 05�Pi07'
Neptune Cancer 00�Ca38' 11th 09th 00�Ar54'
Pluto Gemini 18�Ge08' 11th 10th 26�Ar40'
Midheaven Aries 26�Ar40' 10th 11th 11�Ge57'
Ascendant Leo 09�Le34' 01st 12th 13�Ca10'






Interpretation text is from Heaven Knows What and Astrology for the Millions
both by Grant Lewi and published by Llewellyn Publications.

The cover art is by Hannes Bok, 1962

All rights reserved. Copyright 1936-1990 Llewellyn Publications.

Heaven Knows What and Astrology for the Millions
may be purchased from Llewellyn Publications
P.O. Box 644383, St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-0383


Program Copyright 1985-1997 Matrix Software, Inc.

315 Marion Ave., Big Rapids, MI 49307 616-796-2483








Grant Lewi (1902 - 1951) is a legendary figure among twentieth century astrologers. He was a writer and editor for the two largest astrological magazines of the time. His two books, Heaven Knows What and Astrology for the Millions, were the first astrological books to become best sellers and even today, over fifty years later, they remain among the best introductions to the subject of astrology.

The astrological interpretations found in Heaven Knows What and Astrology for the Millions were unique, fresh, and simple. Llewellyn George, the prominent astrologer of the time, remarked that Lewi's interpretations must be intuitive because they were unlike any that had been written before him. Today these interpretations remain energetic and forceful and, though some references are now dated, Lewi's text still provides some of the clearest insights found anywhere in the literature of astrology.

Lewi was determined to make astrology more accessible to the average person, but while popularizing the subject he never watered it down or reduced it to the level found in "sun sign" astrology. Writing before computers were available, he made his books function as the computer, providing the reader with tables to generate their own charts or horoscopes and then linking his interpretations to the information found there. Lewi would have made good use of the computer, so much in his books seem to anticipate them. In his writing he tried to emulate the interpretation process by using a computerless version of artificial intelligence: the meaning of a planet in a sign doesn't stand alone but is modified by the other aspects found in your chart. Many of his comments depend on a combination of factors and for this reason you will sometimes find that he has something different to say about an aspect in your chart than he does for the same aspect in your friend's chart.

This report calculates your chart for you and then collects all of Lewi's comments strictly according to the astrological factors found there. The text contained here is valid even for those who don't know their time of birth - Lewi focused on those factors that are in effect throughout the birthday. The only exception to this is the case of the Moon which can move between 12 and 14 degrees in a day, so if the positions were calculated for noon then the Moon could be as much as 6 or 7 degrees different and possibly even change signs. If you don't know your time and the texts that involve the Moon seem unlikely, you may wish to compare reports done for the beginning and the end of the day.

At all times, Lewi’s aim has been to show how astrology can be used as an aid in living a more satisfying and fulfilling life. Astrology offers indications and pointers - and sometimes insights - to situations that you find in life. It doesn’t tell you what to do about them, but if it offers you a better understanding of the situation, then you are in a better position to decide for yourself what to do. To quote Grant Lewi:

"It is not limitations that eats out the heart, but inaction, the knowledge of powers not used, the sense of having failed to develop to the utmost. The overcoming of fate is not the overcoming of limitations: that is impossible. It is the exercise of free will, the assertion of the full self, expanding to its utmost with the tools at hand, in the circumstances that are set. Astrology, through the interpretation of the horoscope, assists men to the achievement of their maximum by indicating to them the lines along which their will may be most progressively applied, the goals to be sought, and the individual means by which each one may arrive at the outermost boundaries of his world."





Horoscope of Birth


Your horoscope of birth is the blueprint of your personality and character as indicated by the position of the Sun, the Moon and the eight planets on the date of your birth. This section is devoted to each of these members of the solar system.

The planets are the antennae and arms of the horoscope, of which the body and soul are the Sun and Moon. No planet will ever cause you to act counter to the testimony of the Sun and Moon in their combined influence on you. Remember this when you proceed with the following readings. All planetary vibration must be considered in light of the basic solar-lunar readings, for these are your character, your basic nature, which the planets will help or hinder but cannot materially change.

According to the sign position of your Sun, one planet will be more important than the others and should probably be read first. Your Sun is in Gemini and your dominant planet is Mercury. Not only the action of this ruling planet will be very important in your life, but also the attribute over which it rules. Thus Gemini, ruled by Mercury, lives a great deal in the senses; Libra, ruled by Venus, responds most readily to emotional stimuli; and so on. Study your ruler carefully.

Remember in all planetary readings that they work within the pattern of your solar-lunar nature; never against it. The synthesis of your horoscope from the following series of paragraphs to a working unit depends on your keeping this in mind, which will enable you to weld all the readings into a unified and significant whole.


Sun in Gemini and Moon in Cancer

(You belong to the positive or executive group.)

You receive impressions like a wax plate, remember them well, and give them off readily. There's a fine chance for intellectual and literary achievement. Under these conditions your sensitiveness finds a constructive outlet, you learn to overcome personal touchiness and to concentrate. You are sensitive, your memory is good (for personal matters), and you give off what you feel and think volubly but more in personal ways. You talk a lot about people and have many grievances that you don't hesitate to air. You are nervous anyway, and have to fight nerves all your life, and the success of your fight depends in large measure on your mental training. If you concentrate on some study or pursuit, putting your mind on it and keeping it there, you'll find your nerves disappearing as if by magic. But if you allow the intimate, personal side of your life and all the petty little problems to which your sensitive nature is heir to absorb your thoughts, you will find yourself becoming progressively more nervous.

You have a great need for peace, quiet, and stability around you and should therefore establish yourself in your own home as early as you can and stick to it, though you'll probably be able to think up thousands of reasons why you shouldn't do this. But you have a real need for domestic stability, and this should be in your own home rather than in that of your parents. Until the emotional side of your nature is dominated either by intellectual training or by favorable domestic environment or both, you are likely to flounder. Once these matters are settled and you don't have to think so much about personal troubles, you will be amazed at the depths of contentment you are capable of.

You experience high nervousness and tension; confusion and internal discord. You are self-reliant with a kind of defensive insistence on independence, and if need arise you can take care of yourself in the business world through some independent type of work, or something that requires quickness, aptitude, and a sense of people or words rather than strenuous concentrated effort. You have a peculiarly sure conviction that your own opinions are right, and once you think you have sensed the inner core of a subject, a person, or a problem, nothing can sway you from that conviction. It's almost as if you had, or believed you had, a magic power of divination in which you have the utmost faith. Thus you are a hard person to fool, having a curious knack for ferreting out the other fellow's purposes. You would make a good detective if you could stand the detailed ground work, for you can be very subtle when the need arises, and are on to all the curves with which human beings fool one another.

You may expect to go far through concentration and mental development.



The Sun indicates the appearance you will present before the world and the psychological bias which will dominate your actions. What you seem, and why, are told in the reading for your Sun. In many ways the Sun is the dominant force in your horoscope and in your life. Other influences, especially that of the Moon, may modify the Sun's influence, but nothing will cause you to depart very far from the basic solar pattern. For this reason a whole literature and a whole business have grown up around Sun-sign astrology; and many people exist who think there is nothing more to the horoscope than knowing what "sign you were born in" and what the Sun in that sign means. This is a mistake, as you will discover when you have read the influence of the other bodies. But throughout your reading, keep in mind always the basic influence of the Sun, and remember that all other influences must be interpreted in terms of it, especially in so far as other influences play a visible role in your life. You may think, dream, imagine, hope to be a thousand things, according to your Moon and your other planets, but the Sun is what you are, and to be your best self in terms of your Sun is to cause your energies to work along the path in which they will have maximum help from planetary vibrations.

Sun in Gemini

"I celebrate myself and sing myself."

Walt Whitman, born in Gemini, May 31, 2020.

"Whoso would be a man must be a non-conformist."

Ralph Waldo Emerson, born in Gemini, May 25, 2020.

"Democracy wishes to elevate mankind, to teach it to think, to set it free."

Thomas Mann, born in Gemini, June 6, 2020.


Into strange paths leads the Gemini's desire to be himself, to think for himself, to do for himself, and, ultimately and in its highest form, to become his best self. It takes him a long time to learn that he can't possibly be anything except himself. The self he wants to be is at first not well defined, except that it has to be different from what his father, or his mother, or his brother, is. If the urge remains in the naive be different form, Gemini stays a bad child all his life, breaking rules, rebelling against authority, dashing hither and yon over the geographical, social and emotional world in order to make sure that he doesn't yield his individuality to one place or one wife (or husband). Education or other discipline must come to Gemini through his own volition, and when it does is his salvation; for then the passion to be different turns into creative originality in business or the arts, and Gemini forges ahead. He will generally be found in the camp of liberalism, because it is against the status quo if for no other reason.

Sometimes Gemini rebels against the status quo of his own life, and thus the sign has a reputation for supporting Reno. But if his life gives him sufficient scope to be himself, Gemini stays settled. The more his concept of what it means to be himself diverges from the early, rebellious, sensational, adventurous urges toward intellectual excellence and a sense of social responsibility, the higher Gemini gets in the world, for his sense of what constitutes his best self is not limited. It often starts with free love, breaking school rules and talking back to cops. But here, with any luck at all, the Gemini versatility breaks in; also the Gemini practical good sense. He discovers that his self might just as well be something more stable, sets his self development along another line, and gratifies his desire to be himself in progress rather than in destruction. Everything depends on his subjective reaction to himself; and it therefore becomes his moral obligation to develop to the point where he is innerly satisfied by what is constructive. He will never do anything because someone, or a convention, tells him to; but he may, and often does, grow up to the point where his behavior satisfies himself best when it is going somewhere in a straight line, instead of nowhere in a circle.

Following are the aspects to your Sun. In a general way, the trines and sextiles to your Sun make ease, contentment, happiness, luck; while squares and oppositions give you energy, drive, success, ambition. Conjunctions bring both energy and luck, and are translatable in terms of whether the Sun receives squares or trines, along with the conjunction. Similarly, squares and trines to the Sun together bring success through work and perseverance, and luck develops in proportion to the work done and the effort extended.


Sun Trine Jupiter Orb: 00�27'

The qualities of luck, energy, magnanimity, and good spirits here are pronounced. The creative urge is also brought out. You have lots of vitality and optimism, together with a broad, tolerant, philosophic viewpoint - a sort of hail-fellow-well-met person making friends readily and generally keeping them. This is an excellent position for business. With your Moon opposite Saturn you find a successful career of considerable scope and influence. In a professional or artistic career this insures financial return. No poet with this aspect ever starved in a garret, or anywhere else, for that matter. You spend freely and convivially, and your abundant vitality makes it possible for you to keep going for a long time.

Sun Opposite Uranus Orb: 02�36'

You've sown your wild oats - and how! Your intellectual development was a good deal in advance of your emotional development, and as a result you had ideas, notions, theories, of independence and of human relations which you put into practice, considerably to the despair of your elders. You're a liberal in every way, with advanced social, political, and personal ideas. Individualism is very important to you, and your own ego comes first. As you grow older this outlook broadens from the purely personal to the more general; you turn from egocentric to humanitarian, interested in large ideas, large groups of people, social problems in the large. With your Moon opposite Saturn, Mercury conjunct Neptune, Mercury sextile Venus, and Sun trine Jupiter, your mental outlook is very inclusive, developing out of a strictly selfish rut into a genuine feeling for humanity. This is one of the aspects of idealism but on its way to that state it goes through many ramifications. You have been dejected and depressed and discouraged; probably you've had your share of unconventional and erratic love affairs. You always tend to be something of a romantic; no matter how much you control, or how much you learn to translate the personal into the impersonal, an adventurous spirit keeps gnawing at you. This is the aspect of Ulysses, forever wandering the seas - even when he's sitting by his hearth with Penelope. This adventurous urge, leashed and controlled and directed by a sound mind such as is indicated by your Moon opposite Saturn, Mercury conjunct Neptune, Mercury sextile Venus, and Sun trine Jupiter, will produce works of art, for the creative urge is powerful, with a touch of inspirationalism. Translate your adventuresomeness to intellectual, rather than geographical or personal variety, and the world is at your feet.

With your Venus in Taurus, your sex-nature needs control. With your Moon opposite Saturn, temperament shows through in love matters.

In any case, you have a periodically explosive temper and must learn the lessons of cooperation both with the world in general and with individuals. You tend to think that you are right and all the rest of the world is crazy, which may be true but doesn't make much of a hit with the world.

Sun Conjunct Pluto Orb: 01�20'

Your reactions to situations are extreme: What you love, you can make the center of your life and attention; what you hate, you either totally ignore or fiercely attack. You cling tenaciously to any person, idea or object which stirs an emotion within you - hatred as well as love. Although you want to experience as much of life as you can, you are apt to react defensively to the world around you; you build walls which keep others from knowing you and your feelings in any depth. Power, over yourself and/or others, could become your primary concern - whatever your sphere in life, you aren't likely to take a back seat to anyone. With this aspect, both the positive and the negative traits of the Sun sign are amplified and broadcast to the world. Because of this, you find it difficult to make changes and may resist them even when circumstances would force someone else to adjust.



While the Sun's position by sign determines what motives and urges dominate your life as it meets the naked eye, the sign position of the Moon tells the desire of your heart which may or may not be expressed or realized in your life. When you "know what you mean but you can't say it," it is your Moon that knows it and your Sun that can't say it. "Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears" are the thoughts of your Moon's nature. The wordless ecstasy, the mute sorrow, the secret dream, the esoteric picture of yourself that you can't get across to the world, or which the world doesn't comprehend or value - these are the products of the Moon in your horoscope. When you are misunderstood, it is your Moon nature, expressed imperfectly through the Sun sign, that you feel is betrayed. When you know what you ought to do, but can't find the right way to do it, it is your Moon that knows and your Sun that refuses to react in harmony. Also, when you "don't know why I said that," it was your Moon expressing despite your Sun (if you are innerly satisfied with the involuntary speech), or the Sun expressing against the will of the Moon (if you are displeased with what has slipped out). Things you know without thought - intuitions, hunches, instincts - are the products of the Moon. Modes of expression that you feel are truly your deepest self belong to the Moon: art, letters, creative work of any kind; sometimes love; sometimes business. Whatever you feel is most deeply yourself, whether or not you are able to do anything about it in the outer world, is the product of your Moon and of the sign your Moon occupies at birth.

Moon in Cancer

You take yourself very seriously, as a person to be reckoned with. You feel that you understand others and that you deserve to be understood yourself; yet you frequently feel misunderstood. Things are very clear to you; your intuitions are powerful, and whether right or wrong, they convince you utterly and are likely to control your actions. Sometimes your hunches are away off the track, especially if emotions are involved. You regard your inner nature as something precious, to be guarded from the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune," and are all too likely to think the slings and arrows are aimed at you when no one else in the world is thinking about you. You exude a desire to be understood, to be loved - also, to understand, and to love, if you have objectified your approach, which you must do if you are to be happy or successful. Your tendency is to withdraw, to meditate, and meditation often turns to brooding, brooding to depression. Activate your sympathies by becoming interested in others. Deserve their understanding by acting so that they can understand with approval. Forget yourself, your emotions, your reactions; harness your instincts to other people's problems or to creative work in business, science or the arts. To use, to become, to prove, to love must replace in your nature the deep tendency to be content with to have, to be, to know, to expect. No doors are closed to you when you have turned your understanding outward to the world - and no doors are open to you when you turn it exclusively inward. Know your self first, through pain and struggle if necessary, and once you know it, don't brood about it; get to know something else.

Your temperment in youth gives way to concentrative force later, especially with your Moon opposite Saturn. Ambition forces you to work and you learn to integrate your internal forces successfully.


Moon Opposite Saturn Orb: 07�34'

This is perhaps the most powerful single aspect you can have in a horoscope. It gives both ambition and the ability to concentrate on it. You are serious-minded, at times changing to moody, depressed, and dejected; but as you grow older an early tendency to fall into the doldrums gradually disappears as your mind becomes organized into a smooth-running unit driving always toward a well-defined goal. Whatever your physical energy may or may not be, your mental and psychic energy is high and well directed. You do not waste yourself in profitless ventures or very much in nerves, anger, or displays of temperament; these belonged to your early years, and you learned as you grew older the futility and waste which such displays involve. Your greatest asset is your ability to learn by experience, for though you have made many, and probably great, mistakes, your self-knowledge is your salvation. At the bottom of the pit of depression or despair or error, you are able to look yourself squarely in the face and start building your way back to where you want to be. You have an inner drive and a sense of your own worth amounting almost to a neurosis, which you are able to express on the constructive side. Psychologically this marks you as somehow extraordinarily influenced by one or both parents. Thus, in whatever field you choose to operate - business, the professions, or the arts - you have the jump on competitors who are not assisted by the mental energy and the psychological drive of this aspect. Although determined and apparently ardent in emotional matters, you are capable of being pretty cold when it suits your purposes. Nothing personal is allowed to interfere with the main stream of your intentions once youth is past and your purposes are set. Prior to this, in youth, this aspect gives a hectic emotional life, and you may be the despair of yourself and your friends and relatives. Through excessive independence you hurt your parents; through erratic action, your sweethearts. But as you mature, these temperamental qualities fall away. What has happened goes deeply into your consciousness; and your fund of experience, falling under the scrutiny of an analytical mentality, contributes to that knowledge of the world, of people, and of yourself which becomes the cornerstone of your success. The power of this aspect is so great that with any encouragement from any other aspect, it will produce success along some line or other. Its genius varies according to other indications. You have genius in business. Your genius is creative, dramatic, or poetic.

This is a more powerful position in a male than in a female horoscope, though in either case its significance is marked. The psychological bias is toward the mother and thus operates more constructively in men than in women. In men this aspect tends to some unhappiness in marriage, less the fault of the wife (who usually proves an admirable balance wheel) than of the psychological complexity of the man. Maturity brings more happiness, as this aspect steadies down. In women, in addition to producing the admirable mental qualities indicated, it may also tend to poor health, self-pity, and, in extreme cases hypochondria.



Mercury is the sense-impression antennae of your horoscope. His position by sign indicates your reactions to sights, sounds, odors, tastes and touch impressions, affording a key to the attitude you have toward the physical world around you. Mercury is the messenger through which your physical body and brain (the Sun) and your inner nature (the Moon) are kept in contact with the outer world, which will appear to you according to the index of Mercury's position by sign in the horoscope.

Mercury in Cancer

What you hear, smell, taste, feel and see are of intimate and close concern to you. You are sensitive to every breath of air; you take it to your heart and cherish your reaction to it. The smell of the garbage truck is a personal affront to your nostrils, while the rose was created exclusively to delight the same. Loud noises persecute you, and you tend to think they were made for that purpose; while music is art's personal gift to you alone. You adopt the beauty of the landscape as if no one ever looked on it with true worship before. This personalizing of sense impressions can make you an awful fuss-budget, and also a bore if you insist on telling everyone how much you love, or hate, everything. On the other hand, the sensitiveness of your reactions and the intimacy with which you regard them make you capable of creative power, for art is only the personalized sense impressions of the artist, absorbed into the total personality and given forth in form. Add a point of view to your tendency to gush, develop a philosophy of beauty to give weight to your natural appreciation; learn to make sense impressions your own, and then release them into a significance larger than personal, and you have all the ingredients to make you a master in one of the arts.

Mercury Sextile Venus Orb: 00�45'

Idealism is manifest, and also a leaning to the arts, either on the creative or the appreciative side. With your Mercury conjunct Neptune and Sun opposite Uranus these tendencies may become creative activity. You may have friends among clever and intellectual people. You may marry someone from this group, for your affections are much bound up in your opinion of the loved one's mentality. You have a good deal of charm of manner, wit, and gayety to your speech, and probably have a very pleasant speaking (and perhaps also singing) voice. You don't shout even when you're angry, and you have a persuasive manner that wins people over. This is therefore good for salesmanship or the professions where personal contacts are of paramount importance.

Mercury Conjunct Neptune Orb: 05�15'

You have a sensitive mind, plastic and impressionable, sensational and romantic. Smells and tastes mean a great deal to you, and you respond to color, music, and odor as a photographic plate responds to light. You try to find the expression for what you feel, for a desire to articulate beauty is inherent in you. This causes you to write poetry or music. You may be very successful. A tendency to fall into sensationalism is dangerous. The mind runs to sensuous thoughts and must be strictly controlled and guarded. These may range from the spiritual and idealistic to the gross and bestial, and a touch of earth is generally mixed with even the highest amount of idealism. This is an aspect of Pan the Earth God, who despite the goat hooves piped the most ethereal of songs and won the hearts of the maidens. This sensationalism, controlled and guided, produces art, poetry, charm; but allowed to run rampant, can absorb and hypnotize the whole personality destructively. You should avoid mysticism, spiritualism, and anything that is not logically provable. Once you pin yourself down to logic and reasonableness and avoid sensationalism, your mind is capable of extraordinary feats.



Venus is the emotional antenna of your horoscope. Through Venus, impressions come to you from the outer world because of which you feel and react emotionally. The position of Venus by sign at the time of your birth gives the key to your attitude toward these emotional experiences. As Mercury is the messenger linking sense impressions (sight, smell, etc.) to the basic nature of your Sun and Moon, so Venus is the messenger linking emotional impressions.

Venus in Taurus

You have a robust, physical, sensuous (or sensual) response to emotional vibrations. You are demonstrative, affectionate and passionate. You love to touch, to hold and be held by, the loved one. You are both sensational and passional; to know the difference, and to let the true instinct replace the false one is to achieve mastery of yourself and of others. Plenty of love addicts have this position, to whom love means physical enjoyment and little more. Raised to its best, this position of Venus enables you to elevate physical earthly love to a high spiritual plane and to understand the beauty of true union in a union of true beauty. You understand love deeply, accept it with your whole being, are content to express it wordlessly, value love's silences more than its speeches. You know both ecstasy and despair of love and you cling to a love once given and received with unbelievable tenacity, even in the face of great obstacles. You believe in love, in its earthly as well as its spiritual form, and will not be content till you have found both in one individual. Your emotional responses color your whole life; all sense reactions are intensified by this position, and your love of color, art, music and beauty in any form relates directly to the creative impulse which draws on, and interprets to you, all the experiences that earth has to offer.

Venus Square Saturn Orb: 08�06'

With respect to financial and economic conditions this does not indicate inheritance, in fact takes it away. Even if you were born into a family of wealth, it is likely to disappear before it gets to you or to be less than you had thought it would be. You receive little help from your parents and should not live around them any longer than you can help. You do best when you are on your own. Work for and live among strangers. You are careful of money but never seem to have enough. You should make a budget and stick to it. You have good business sense of a temperamental sort. You don't plan things out too well, but your instincts are pretty good because conservative. On the other hand, you are capable of scrimping for a long time and then spending your savings foolishly. You're the fellow Benjamin Franklin was aiming at when he wrote, "Never buy what you do not need because it is cheap." You have a fear and dread of poverty which may not be at all justified, but which you should guard against by always keeping something laid up for a rainy day. Property rights are sacred to you, and you love to own things, especially land and your own house. You will make no end of sacrifices to have a place of your own.

Venus Sextile Neptune Orb: 04�30'

You are romantic, charming, alluring - and impressionable. You are idealistic, always looking for perfection in your sweethearts and in the world and blissfully certain that even though it may elude you, it's there and will be found eventually. You are more trusting than erring mankind deserves. You can be fooled by one person and, in the twinkling of an eye, trust someone else who may be even less trustworthy. You are attracted to out-of-the-way people - waifs and strays, down-and-outers, and can get yourself into a lot of trouble by believing in crooks, frauds, sensationalists, adventurers, and out-right seducers. Unless you lead a pretty sheltered life you will be taken in and shaken down at some time or other. Disappointment makes you reserved but doesn't destroy your faith in the ultimate goodness of everyone. This is one of the supporting factors for material luck in life.



Mars is the energy principle in the horoscope. His position by sign indicates the channels into which energy will naturally flow, and the uses to which energy will most easily be directed. It is the planet through which the activities of the Sun and the desires of the Moon express in action - through which your body and your mind react to the sense impressions of Mercury and the emotional impressions of Venus. Mars is in the same sign as your Sun, this gives abundant energy, sometimes misdirected in temper, temperament and quarrels.

Mars in Gemini

Your energies flow naturally into adventurous paths. Movement, physical and mental, is essential to you, and you express best when working, playing, living actively, preferably at high speed. You are rarely bored or boring, but you can wear others, and yourself, out by the ferocity of your attack on life. You are extraordinarily aware of the world around you; sense perceptions are acute, swift, probably accurate; and you are voluble in expressing what you take in. Energy flows naturally to the tongue; you are a better talker than a listener; and are generally glib, discursive, extensive in your remarks written or spoken. With any concentrative force, this position gains value; without it, you scatter your energies. You are something of a sensualist and like the physical expressions of love; you probably think sex is more important to you than it really is, and by thinking make it so. Energy flows into mind force as well as into physical activity; this is peculiarly a position in which, to have a sound mind, you must also have a sound body. You must beware of neglecting your physical well-being through letting your energies dam up in the pools of the mind; also of being blocked by sensational thoughts which from time to time will tend to dominate you. The negative reactions of the sex urge, such as envy, jealousy, hatred, can frustrate you if you let them get hold. Mind control and bodily vigor are the two things for which you should constantly strive.

Mars Trine Saturn Orb: 03�44'

You are a builder, willing to start at the bottom of a career and work your way deliberately to the top. There's nothing flimsy about the structure you build. This may make you an actual architect, or it may make you figuratively an architect of your own fate, laying your plans far in advance, and working soundly for their accomplishment. You have an excellent balance of boldness and reticence, aggressiveness and tact. You know when to fight and when to run away, when to push your affairs and when to let them bide their time. Your great asset is a sense of balance and proportion. Your judgment is excellent, and you always know where you are going and how each brick, however small, is going to fit into the eventual product. Your driving force is terrific and always well aimed.

This is one of the best of all aspects (except those to the Sun and Moon) for self-reliance, progress, and sound success, the extent and nature of which will depend on other indications. But as insurance that your energies will find constructive and progressive outlet, you wouldn't want anything better than this.



Jupiter is the feeler you have out in the world for opportunity. Through it the chances of a lifetime are passed along for consideration according to the basic nature of Sun and Moon. Jupiter's sign position indicates the places in which you will look for opportunity, the uses to which you wish to put it, and the capacity you have to react to and profit by it. Jupiter is ordinarily, and erroneously, called the Planet of Luck. It is "luck" in so far as it is the index of opportunity; but your luck depends less on what comes to you (Jupiter) than on what you do with it (the total personality). Opportunity appeals to you along lines laid down by your Jupiter.

Jupiter in Aquarius

This position causes you to see opportunity in very broad social, artistic, political matters. If your aim gets broader than your capacities - and it may! - you can be a drifter with high principles and little to show for them. If your abilities are up to your aims, you go far, for then you will see opportunity in all manner of big public things, and the free flow of your energies in these directions will lead effortlessly to success. Nothing is too big for you to envision, and even if it's too big for you to tackle or master, you dare to think about it. Air castles can be your downfall; you have to strive continuously to find the practical if rough methods by which they may be constructed into houses of earth. You are capable of passing up financial chances if they interfere with your larger aims. You have to learn the value of security because this position doesn't give it to you. Your tendency is to see life through the wrong end of the opera glasses; realities recede in favor of other things, and a liberal dose of the earth is necessary somewhere else in the chart if this position is to contribute to success.

Jupiter Sextile Uranus Orb: 02�09'

This is merely a contributing aspect and has little force of its own. It adds stability to the character and in some degree to the fortunes, giving an element of luck to the economic status and broadening the outlook. If creative power is shown, this will give it great breadth, scope, and social humanitarian appeal. If a business career is indicated, this builds the fortunes and makes beloved executives and managers. If public life, this tinges the purpose with a broad social outlook that may reach the constructively radical.

Jupiter Trine Pluto Orb: 00�53'

Your faith in yourself is powerful, and it is your ticket to a rich and fulfilling life. Others may not understand your goals, but they provide you with the staying-power needed to achieve whatever reward you want for your hard work. All your potential and every ounce of your energy is directed toward success - but on your own terms. You aren't likely to automatically accept the rewards or ambitions the world thinks are important. You are more concerned with helping others develop their potential to the fullest. Your judgment is sharp but tempered with sympathy. Understanding your own inner depths can help enrich your life.



Saturn indicates the direction that will be taken in life by the self-preservative principle which, in its highest manifestation, ceases to be purely defensive and becomes ambitious and aspirational. Your defense, or attack, against the world is shown by the sign position of Saturn in the horoscope of birth.

Saturn in Capricorn

This position requires success in the materialistic, financial or fame sense of the word, and will not long be satisfied with unrecognized worth. Some subtlety attaches to your mentality; you may work long and hard for little pay and little acclaim, but your aim is to get more, and you never forget it. In this way, you are hardheaded, if not hardhearted, and can very well be both. Your deep ego urge is to defend yourself against the world by conquering it and by forcing it to recognize you; and since this urge is deeply ingrained in the subconscious and demands recognition, you are never likely to lose sight of it. This leads to heights of success or to embittered failure if it operates in its simple form. Your aim should be to become less materialistic, to discover wells of power within yourself. You can have no control over the world till you have control over yourself; and in gaining this essential to your success, you should discover also that "your mind to you a kingdom is" in which it is as gratifying to rule as in any temporal empire. It is possible for you to learn that there are all kinds of power over the world, and that wealth and fame are not the only ways of achieving it. There is the sense of power you get from giving, from serving, from helping. To transmute the power urge from its primitive, materialistic, strong arm form to its more esoteric and refined uses is to insure that your powerful subconscious drive to success shall be vindicated along the most civilized lines, which are in the end most gratifying.


Uranus in a general way relates to the neuro-mentality, creative originality or individuality, and his position by sign in the horoscope tells the direction along which you will seek to express your most characteristic self in creative and original effort.

Uranus in Sagittarius

Your originality requires scope and proceeds from vision. You generalize readily, feeling yourself most at home, and in the sphere of your greatest mental efficiency, when dealing in large terms, ideas, symbols. This can make you a great artist or thinker or philosopher or preacher - or it can make you just a fuzzy thinker, never getting down to cases. You should learn the worship of facts, and you need never worry about getting stodgy, for facts will always be to you the stones to build generalizations from and will never make you a groundling. You have a kind of fear and contempt for the earthbound, feeling that your true genius takes you out of the class of mere bookworms and grubbers into a higher atmosphere of the spirit. No idea is too lofty for you to grasp - or so you think. And by being willing to grasp facts first and build the ideas from them, you can be really as high and profound as you imagine yourself to be. When you learn the value of knowledge (as insurance for your ideas), you can be a real intellectual force, and it is in this role that you find your truest expression.

Uranus Opposite Pluto Orb: 01�16'

You, too, are an individualist but, unlike the trine aspect, you actively try to be different, taking a perverse pride in your uniqueness. Your will power is strong, but instead of directing it toward self-reform so that you can get the best from yourself, you try to reform everyone else. Important changes within the established order will probably mark your life, so you will have to adopt a more flexible attitude.



Neptune relates to the deepest wells of the subconscious, inherited mentality and spirituality, indicating what you take deeply for granted in life. With Neptune in the same sign as Moon, it indicates that intuitions and hunches - or delusions - dominate; a need for rigidly holding to reality. With Neptune in the same sign with Mercury, there are sharp sense perceptions, a sensitive mind (and perhaps creative), a quivering intensity of inaction to sense experience.

Neptune in Cancer

Your early home environment impressed you deeply and even more than most fixed your instinctive reactions to life and conditioned your intuitions. You may range far from the ideal of your subconscious, but this will forever remain fixed in a home of your own, and you will never feel yourself till you are settled in one. Since this demand of the ego is fairly easy to fulfill, you stand a chance of escaping the worst complexes that beset human beings; and once you have established your own hearth and fireside, and rested your soul in it, your instinctual urges should work naturally toward the smooth fulfillment of the total personality. You are extremely sensitive to atmospheres and moods, of places as well as of people, and should allow your instinct to guide you in the selection of a location for your home. Congenial surroundings are necessary for your best development, and peace in the places where you live and work is essential to the best growth of the ego, which instinctively remembers the peace of infancy and the protective atmosphere of the mother and seeks to rediscover these in its physical and psychic environment. If the total personality is passive, weak rather than strong, this can make you a spoiled child all your life, causing you to expect your wife or husband or friends to stand in loco parentis and humor your whims. But in an aggressive and strong nature it causes the personality to be based firmly in simple domestic security, from which it draws strength and the materials of success and progress.


Pluto relates to the ability to let go of things, to get rid of irrelevant prejudices and outdated habit patterns. It relates to subconscious feelings, inner urges and repressed emotions. A strong Pluto gives the ability to see the hidden side of life, and thus bestows power on the native - power which can be used for good or ill. In the same sign as the Sun, Pluto gives a love of power and an ambitious, ruthless nature. In the same sign as Mars, Pluto increases the independence and ego strength, and gives power over others. Courage and cruelty can both be present.

Pluto in Gemini

Your search for ultimate meaning is centered on the intellectual world, and this search is apt to make you a perpetual student. At first, it may seem that you are simply gathering a number of unrelated facts together, but your great talent is the assimilation of these facts into a coherent philosophy. Your progress in life stems from your great curiosity and originality - your forte is intellectual and creative endeavor. You aren't tied to one approach to life - if one system doesn't work, you will find another.






Current Transits


The current transits are calculated exactly for the date shown. Lewi wrote text only for the aspects that he considered to be the most significant and only those are shown in this report. The dates shown only represent the times when the aspect is exact; its influence is felt for weeks, months, and sometimes even years around this time. A planet will often make the same aspect several times in one year before it leaves that area of the zodiac and moves on. This is due to the planet appearing to go backward or retrograde for a period of time and crossing and recrossing the aspect point. When this happens the effect of the aspect can be spread out over a considerable time and in this report the aspect and text will be printed for each time it becomes exact, although this series of aspects represents only one pass through this phase of its cycle. Remember that each transiting aspect is part of its over-all cycle and indicates a change of direction as well as an event. The cycle for a planet is the time it takes that planet to travel the entire 360� of the zodiac, beginning at the point where the planet is found at birth (the conjunction point), moving to the 90� point which Lewi calls the "lower square", then moving to the opposition or 180� point. Then it begins to move back towards the starting point, at the 270� point, or 90� away from the starting point, the planet is at its "upper square", and then it returns to the conjunction point where a new cycle is begun. Lewi will occasionally refer to these points in his text by name. In general all transits, whether of a planet to its own place or of one planet to another, mark cycles of growth beginning at the conjunction point, growing through the first square, fully grown at the opposition point, beginning to recede at the second or upper square, and finally starting a new cycle as it reaches the conjunction point again.

How long any aspect will be in effect is determined by the speed of the planet making the aspect (the first planet , i.e. Mars in Mars Opposite Sun). One Mars cycle is about two or two and one-half years and so a Mars aspect will last about 20 to 30 days. Jupiter takes about 12 years for its cycle and so its aspects could last around 4 months, while Saturn with a 29 year cycle will last 9 months or even more if it turns retrograde. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are all long range aspects and usually represent a time of 2 or more years. While Saturn and the outer planets indicate long range influences in your life, Mars aspects will identify important months and Jupiter will identify important years. Not every occurrence of these will be of striking importance. But within a larger Saturn cycle or Uranus period of great importance, these briefer influences will be found to act as the second or minute hand of the clock of destiny, as Saturn, or Uranus, or both, act as the hour hand.

Jun 16, 2020 - Mars Conjunct Sun

The new starts of your Mars conjunct Mars are helped greatly with this aspect; your energies work smoothly, starting with Mars conjuct Mars (May 25, 2020) and gaining momentum as this aspect is reached.

Your danger at this time is temperament, temper, a tendency to feel your own importance too strongly and to get into trouble because of it. Also, unless you have the endurance of an ox, you will tire yourself as Mars transits your Sun, and fatigue is likely to lead to strife, breaks and separations. Translate your energies to work, activity, detached application to a job or task; and don't get touchy or allow personal reactions to interfere with efficiency. This can be a romantic period; your magnetism is high, and you are likely to get what you want if you moderate your demands and use more persuasion and less insistence than you want to. Intuitions can go wrong, and you need the balance of strict mental discipline to bring out the best of your energies. However, it is an excellent time to go after what you want, and marks periods of important decisions and moves.

Jun 18, 2020 - Mars Conjunct Pluto

This transit represents a strong alliance of similar energies. A sense of mystery pervades otherwise mundane events. Agressiveness peaks. Care should be taken to secure your holding, protect your possessions and yourself, for this transit includes some vulnerability to the principle of redistribution. You might be knocked off your throne for no apparent reason. You could emerge from this period thinking the universe is a quixotic, capricious place, or you could take events as keynotes of respect for structure and self-care.

Sexual energy will be high. You could find yourself surrounded by irresistible people, and the tendency is to think that the veil between you and them is much thinner than it really is. Take time to treat people respectfully. Take this opportunity to de-objectify your world view and adopt a more service-oriented demeanor. Depending on how successfully you have mastered life's trials, this could be a time of "icing on the cake". Just make sure the recipients of your "death blows" are the nasty loitering ghosts in your own psyche, not the people on the street whom these ghosts resemble.

Jun 20, 2020 - Mars Opposite Uranus

This transit is not usually important except as a marker of temperament and minor strife. But at one of these periods some major break due to temperament - some sudden shift in the pace and direction of the life - is likely to occur. The individuality is suddenly awakened to broader horizons, greater worlds to conquer, and determined to shake off the shackles of restraint. In undisciplined persons this will mark periodic temperament, rages, rebellion and strife; also accidents and setbacks due to lack of nervous coordination. In normally disciplined individuals all but one or two of these periods should be comparatively inconspicuous. But the one or two may be memorable and probably nothing to be proud of.

Jul 7, 2020 - Mars Conjunct Neptune

Super intuition gives you uncanny insight into motives and methods of other people, but not always into your own. Practice self-analysis. You swiftly feel your creative power, of which you can make good use. Beware sensationalism, sentimentality, self-indulgence; fight subconscious urges, suppressed desires, and make your inner ego work for you along constructive lines. This is an excellent period for creative work, for impersonal use of magnetism for business ends and aims and for social popularity. You have glamour that attracts others: be sure it attracts the right kind of people and for the right reasons. The Old Adam rears his head and may require discipline.

Jul 14, 2020 - Mars Conjunct Mercury

Sharp wits help if you use them right, hinder if you get smart-alecky with them. Snap judgments, quick speech, sharp retorts and anger make trouble. On the other hand, keen perceptions give you the edge on others; you express yourself readily and to good effect if you keep emotions and personalities out. Sensory perceptions and powers of observation are increased. Creative powers mount; rapidity of mental processes enables you to do more than usual. Mental fatigue can result; budget time for relaxation and sleep. Any tendency to insomnia is emphasized; also to temperament, temper and self-will. This is a good time to sell, bad time to buy. Business is active, judgment shrewd. Sign no papers, don't commit yourself permanently; the picture changes too rapidly. Avoid strife, especially over trifles. Distrust intuitions; put deep trust in hard work and pure reason.

Aug 4, 2020 - Mars Conjunct Moon

The urge to express yourself induces you to express your most temperamental self. In emotional people this marks, as it recurs every two years, some tension and inner turmoil directly related to the inner self that they are trying to express in the world. It leads to strife, unconventionality, inner discord which transfers itself to the outer world. It is an excellent time for a vacation or for lying low and forcing no issues. Frequently the transit marks ill health for yourself or your mate. The worst of the ego nature comes out; all the complexes and suppressed desires rush to the surface and need to be put back in their place. The best result of this transit is awakened and increased self-knowledge. One of these periods in the life check-up will frequently mark a major emotional experience that you have never forgotten. The inner nature is brought rudely into contact with realities, and false notions are stripped away, frequently with great personal upheaval.

Aug 28, 2020 - Mars Square Venus

Social and romantic glamour leads to excesses, sometimes to strife, quarrels, separations. Minor loves and friendships break up, but important relations are merely strained; and indeed this frequently adds glamour to a deep love, intensifying its beauty. A break here, unless contributed to by some more important transit, is a sure index that the feeling wasn't very deep or important anyway. Avoid excess spending and stay away from temptation if you're interested in sticking to the conventions.

Sep 16, 2020 - Mars Opposite Jupiter

This will generally not amount to much, but periods of loss through risks or gambles or through over-enthusiasm or bad business judgment are frequently marked by it. The outlook is too enthusiastic to let sober reason dominate; but this generally brings nothing but minor extravagance. This transit might mark some major material setback due to a combination of bad judgment and bad luck.

Oct 8, 2020 - Mars Square Mars

This transit indicates a period of hard work and abundant energies, which causes no trouble unless major disruptive influences are in force. There is a slight tendency to talk too much, boast and be arrogant, but the swiftness of the pace generally carries you through without major trouble. You should not let distractions interfere with plans you started when Mars was conjunct Mars on May 25, 2020. Protect health and nerves from excess; be objective and detached; and let reason rule the emotions.

Nov 4, 2020 - Mars Square Sun

Domestic matters are important. This transit frequently times a move from one house (or town or locality) to another, or some important decision in the private life. New starts work out if well considered and unmotivated by temperament. Social activity is increased; you have lots of friends around you. This is a good time to begin new ventures for quick completion, ventures which have a bearing on your longer-range plans. This is a good time to clean house, redecorate, etc. The home is likely to be upset, and it's wise to make the upsetting literal and to some good purpose, instead of figurative and quarrelsome.

Nov 6, 2020 - Mars Square Pluto

This transit represents a strong alliance of similar energies. A sense of mystery pervades otherwise mundane events. Agressiveness peaks. Care should be taken to secure your holding, protect your possessions and yourself, for this transit includes some vulnerability to the principle of redistribution. You might be knocked off your throne for no apparent reason. You could emerge from this period thinking the universe is a quixotic, capricious place, or you could take events as keynotes of respect for structure and self-care.

Sexual energy will be high. You could find yourself surrounded by irresistible people, and the tendency is to think that the veil between you and them is much thinner than it really is. Take time to treat people respectfully. Take this opportunity to de-objectify your world view and adopt a more service-oriented demeanor. Depending on how successfully you have mastered life's trials, this could be a time of "icing on the cake". Just make sure the recipients of your "death blows" are the nasty loitering ghosts in your own psyche, not the people on the street whom these ghosts resemble.

Nov 8, 2020 - Mars Square Uranus

This transit is not usually important except as a marker of temperament and minor strife. But at one of these periods some major break due to temperament - some sudden shift in the pace and direction of the life - is likely to occur. The individuality is suddenly awakened to broader horizons, greater worlds to conquer, and determined to shake off the shackles of restraint. In undisciplined persons this will mark periodic temperament, rages, rebellion and strife; also accidents and setbacks due to lack of nervous coordination. In normally disciplined individuals all but one or two of these periods should be comparatively inconspicuous. But the one or two may be memorable and probably nothing to be proud of.

Dec 7, 2020 - Mars Square Mercury

Quick speech, thought and actions make strife and trouble. Be silent, cagey, noncommittal. The quick retort makes trouble. Wrong decisions often come in one of these periods, which recur about every six months and need careful watching. Sometimes the most casual remark results in a lasting grudge. Mountains (of trouble) grow out of molehills (of speech). It is best to be silent.

Dec 12, 2020 - Saturn Square Saturn

This upper (waning) square comes seven years after the Saturn-Saturn opposition and should find you moving toward a revision of aims and purposes. An important change developing here introduces seven years in which more and more the answer to your problems will be found within yourself, less and less in the outer world. If the move seven years ago was genuinely in the direction of security, as recommended, this period enables you to clinch this still further. If that move was along less stable lines, you are given a chance here to shift again toward the secure course, and should do so, no matter what sacrifices are apparently entailed. You are moving during the next seven years toward the conjunction of Saturn with his own place when you will be forced to eliminate the dead wood from your life. If you start that process here, you will find it less acute than if you wait until it is forced on you.

Jan 3, 2020 - Mars Square Moon

Fatigue leads to strife, so relax. There may be illness and you may lose your grip on things. Refuse to take yourself too seriously. Go to bed and rest instead of brooding; you'll avoid strife and trouble thereby. Force no issues. Energy may find its expression in some glamorous romance which may or may not be important, depending on other long-range transits in force at the same time with this.

Jan 15, 2020 - Saturn Square Saturn

This upper (waning) square comes seven years after the Saturn-Saturn opposition and should find you moving toward a revision of aims and purposes. An important change developing here introduces seven years in which more and more the answer to your problems will be found within yourself, less and less in the outer world. If the move seven years ago was genuinely in the direction of security, as recommended, this period enables you to clinch this still further. If that move was along less stable lines, you are given a chance here to shift again toward the secure course, and should do so, no matter what sacrifices are apparently entailed. You are moving during the next seven years toward the conjunction of Saturn with his own place when you will be forced to eliminate the dead wood from your life. If you start that process here, you will find it less acute than if you wait until it is forced on you.

Feb 9, 2020 - Mars Opposite Venus

Heightened emotions make romance, which is favored if you keep it within the bounds of reason and convention. Impulsive acts, with or without a future, are frequently found in these recurrent periods. Glamour surrounds your approach to life; you are susceptible to the opposite sex and they to you. This transit frequently indicates the time of marriage within the period of a longer transit that favors it. If the era of romance is past, this indicates an active and on the whole satisfactory social period; business progress; extravagance with money; a sudden urge to go places and do things - and perhaps a chafing at the marital bit which should not be taken too seriously. Energies work through emotions and passions, which in turn work overtime and should be gently disciplined though not entirely submerged. Often, for obvious reasons, this transit indicates the conception of children, especially if it occurs while Mars is conjunct your sun or conjunct your Mars.

Apr 14, 2020 - Saturn Conjunct Venus

This period has both a practical and an emotional significance. In both planes, realities make themselves felt. This transit brings about some important, and probably permanent, revision in your emotional life and in your attitude toward it. Sometimes this is sad and heartbreaking if your love is not capable of surviving the imprint of realities. But it can establish love on a firm basis forever if its foundations are solidly on earth. Guard against sensitiveness, for the fear of being hurt through your emotions can cause you to make your own heart break; in which case self-analysis will make you understand that if "that which you feared has come upon you" it is because your fear was translated into your actions and attracted what you least wanted. In material matters this stabilizes your fortunes and should be used for this purpose. Extravagance must go by the board, and budgets should dominate. Financial programs inaugurated here succeed well, if slowly. Seek consolidation, rather than expansion, of possessions, income and work.

Apr 21, 2020 - Mars Opposite Venus

Heightened emotions make romance, which is favored if you keep it within the bounds of reason and convention. Impulsive acts, with or without a future, are frequently found in these recurrent periods. Glamour surrounds your approach to life; you are susceptible to the opposite sex and they to you. This transit frequently indicates the time of marriage within the period of a longer transit that favors it. If the era of romance is past, this indicates an active and on the whole satisfactory social period; business progress; extravagance with money; a sudden urge to go places and do things - and perhaps a chafing at the marital bit which should not be taken too seriously. Energies work through emotions and passions, which in turn work overtime and should be gently disciplined though not entirely submerged. Often, for obvious reasons, this transit indicates the conception of children, especially if it occurs while Mars is conjunct your sun or conjunct your Mars.

May 6, 2020 - Jupiter Square Moon

These are periods of physical and mental excess, generally resulting in fatigue and a necessity to take time off and rest. Self-indulgence wears you out and requires a holiday. This is a good time for a vacation. If you can afford to relax (and you really can't afford not to), you can enjoy life here. Be careful of excesses with money and emotions, protect your diet. The pleasures of food and drink are very alluring and make plenty of trouble if indulged in.