Numerology Forecast Report for
                               WILLIAM HENRY COSBY
                                  July 12, 2020
         Your Numerology Forecast covers the following time period:
                           August, 1998 - August, 1998
         Your Numerology Forecast analyzes 4 cycles: a yearly cycle
        that begins on Your Birthday each year, and NOT on your birthday,
        a 4-month cycle that begins on your birthday each year, a monthly
        cycle that begins on the first day of each month and a daily cycle.
        An interpretation of each of these cycles is given. After the
        analysis of each month, an "Overview" analysis of the combined
        effect of the yearly, 4-month and monthly cycles is given so that
        you can see how the 3 cycles combine together in your life.
                                AWAKENINGS, INC.
                                    P.O. Box
                             Prescott, AZ 86304-0155
        The current year of 1998 for you is a 1 Year:
            The Number 1 personal year is the main influence over your
        life for the next 365 days. The personal year is calculated from
        birthday to birthday, and NOT from January 1st to December 31st.
        You will see many characteristics emerge that are discussed
        and the influences should be taken very seriously. While
        you will not experience every subject that is discussed below, you
        can expect a great deal of what is written to come to fruition
        at some point in the year. The Personal year is also modified
        by the "cycles" and personal "months" that are also indicated
        in this report. For example: If you are in a difficult year, the
        cycle and month you are in can either help or hinder your efforts
        or expectations. They can either be supportive and lighten your
        load, or make your life more difficult.
            You can wipe the slate clean and get ready for a brand new
        start in life under the influence of this personal year. New
        friends and new experiences are on the way now, so let
        go of all of the negative influences of the past and get
        ready to start life with a new enthusiasm. Be careful of
        indecision at this time because it would be a terrible year
        to sit back and do nothing. Remember to get your goals set early
        in the year so they can come to fruition by your next birthday.
            Your need for independence is high now and you will want to
        make your own way in the world, pulling yourself up by your own
        "bootstraps". You will not be willing to go along with the
        whims and wishes of others now. Be careful in your approach to
        others because business partnerships and relationships can end
        if you come on too strong.
            Some numerologists say that Mars is the ruler of the number
        1, while others believe the Sun should be assigned to it. The
        Hindu scriptures agree with the placement of the Sun for the 1
        personal year, and find that Sunday is the most favorable day.
        It is a masculine number full of purpose, and it's favorite
        direction is east. You are likely to find that during this year
        you will be a lot more aggressive, showing some degree of anger
        when things don't go your way, and tons of confidence to back it
        up. Remember to put limits on it, because we don't want anyone
        challenging your new found freedom and independence.
            The number 1 year might have you feeling somewhat lonely
        however, even though you have family and friends at your side.
        There will be an overwhelming sense of isolation in your life and
        someone very important can enter your life who serves as a
        teacher for you in some way. Be careful who you choose as friends
        now, because they will be in your life for a very long time.
        Partnerships in business are not favored because this is a time
        to make your trek through life alone.
            Under the influence of the number 1 personal year or cycle,
        all of that aggressiveness and an overabundance of energy can have
        adverse effects as well, usually through accidents or misfortune
        according to the number month, cycle or day it is associated with.
        In the 2 MONTH or personal DAY you will not be very cooperative.
        In the 3 month there can be auto accidents or mishaps around
        your immediate environment involving vehicles of your own or
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        someone elses. Under the 4 month there can be difficulties or
        accidents around the homefront or with concerns of the home
        and children. This energy can be used constructively in the
        5 month to facilitate changes that need to occur in any area
        of your life, amd often without any warning. In the 6 month
        there can be difficulties in marriage or providing services
        for others or separating from relationships altogether. Under
        the 7 month there can be a strong need to be left alone, or
        you may find new romantic interests elsewhere. I have seen
        this configuration many times, pointing to infidelity in
        relationships. Under the 8 month problems can occur with big
        business and companies offering services to you, including
        insurance companies. The 9 brings endings of something in
        your environment, possibly through an accident or something
        you are reluctant to let go of.
            You will find during the number 1 year that any problems,
        obstacles or difficulties you have experienced in the past are
        diminished and you will feel more fortunate, drawing help and
        support from others, especially people located in the
        government, or people who are in authority over you. There can
        be some important changes in your life now, and consider that
        all changes will ultimately benefit you in the end. You can
        attain a name for yourself now and become somewhat famous in your
        own field or area of life.
            Unforeseen circumstances will call for creative and
        organizational abilities and this year brings that gift to
        you. Think of the opportunities you may be missing by
        attempting nothing at all. Change is a natural thing in life,
        so go along with the flow, for without change how do we
        grow as people? I know the future can be scary but sometimes
        you've got to take the bull by the horns and go for it. Think
        all matters through first and don't do anything impulsive,
        you know how much trouble that can get you into!
            You may be required to make some very serious decisions about
        your future now, so take the time to find out just what it is you
        want to do with your life and use that as a foundation for your
        future. Go for it! Career changes or moves are highlighted,
        needed and should be welcomed with open arms.
            One of the dangers of this time period is giving to others
        way beyond the call of duty and denying your own needs in the
        process. No matter how much you give, either consciously or
        subconsciously there is a dissatisfaction with the dependent side
        of your nature. It will be difficult to give advice to you at
        this time because your enthusiastic and impatient nature won't
        allow you to hear the opinions of other people around you.
            You may get involved with someone new in your life or want to
        make a new start with the relationship you are in. Associations
        with the signs Leo, Aries and Aquarius are indicated.
            The negative side of this personal year is being too
        forceful, aggressive, selfish, egotistical and ruthless. . .
        well you get the picture. Try to tone it down a little to avoid
        any misfortune from your actions. You will be shown the error of
        your ways through mishaps and even accidents that cross your path,
        kind of like a cosmic spanking. The bigger the spanking, the
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        more work that you need to do on your psyche. Don't go so far
        out on a limb with selfish and egotistical expectations
        that you draw real injuries or mishaps in the process.
            The number 1 personal year is associated with inventiveness,
        genius, originality & intellectual capabilities. It is a
        masculine number indicating the possibility of some pioneering
        work. Your feelings can be hurt easily if your outstanding ideas
        are stomped on by the powers that be.
            Vulnerable areas for your health are palpitations of the
        heart, headaches, irritations of the nose, mouth, and teeth.
        Make sure to have your blood pressure checked as well, as it can
        be higher than normal at this time, and the eyes should be examined
        for astigmatism as well. Sensitive times for your health and
        overworking the body are October, December and January.
            While studying the Hindu scriptures, I found that while in the
        number 1 personal year, you can find friendship with people born
        with the numbers 2, 3 or 9 as a birth number or with people in a
        2, 3 or 9 personal year. You will not get along with people who have
        4, 6 or 8 as a destiny number or in a 4, 6 or 8 year. People
        who are in a 5 year or have a 5 destiny number will be neither bad
        or good, but rather neutral.
            Career possibilities: Any career that makes you the head
        honcho or boss, Military officer, buyer, editor, exporter, foreman,
        manager, jeweler, financial lender, movie director or producer,
        school principal, sales manager, designer, curator, librarian,
        writer, start your own business, inventions and contracting work.
        The current time period is a 2 Cycle for you. This 4-month
        cycle will end on November 11, 2020
            The Number 2 Quarterly Cycle modifies the current personal year
        by adding harmony, cooperation and a spirit of compromise to any
        situation, thereby making it more workable. In a negative sense
        however, you must be on guard for deceptions and the "illusions"
        that the number 2 always seems to usher in with it, especially in
            Success can be gained if you will work in harmony with
        others and form compromises instead of trying to fight the
        system. The Moon has rulership over this cycle and is very
        feminine in nature. Dealings with women in friendly or commercial
        ventures and atmospheres will be successful.
            Your mind is open and ready to digest anything that you give to
        it, but consider all of the facts before drawing any conclusions.
        Remember that among the possibilities of this cycle that deceit is
        in the air and you may have been given the wrong information by
        mistake or on purpose. Ultimatums won't work on others during this
        cycle, so please remember that before you put your foot in your mouth.
           Use patience as your guide in all situations. Tact,
        diplomacy and sensitivity is the key to success. Share what you
        know with others, it may surprise and delight them.
            You will notice an increase in your personal attraction to
        others which can be helpful if you are looking for a new
        relationship, and new friends can arrive who can offer both help and
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        support in the future. This will be a time of less strain,
        tension and worry in your life and you will notice an increase in
        emotional expression. Benefits can come from matters of real
        estate or you may move to a new house. You will notice changes in
        your attitude and the way you perceive the world around you and
        notice that your living conditions take a turn for the better,
        but only through your own initiative. Avoid hurrying around and
        learn how to slow down and utilize patience.
            The 2 cycle is a passive time when you will find making
        decisions very difficult. Perhaps there is the key, the Universe
        has made it difficult for the mind to come to a decision because
        you are not supposed to. Instead of making formidable approaches
        in your life, stay more in the background and be an observer,
        peacemaker or mediator for others.
            Partnerships will prosper because you are concerned with the
        other person as well as yourself. Creative and artistic pursuits
        are very inspired and your inspirations will come to you
        telepathically. Love relationships will either be unstable because
        of unrevealed elements OR very fulfilling if each one considers the
        needs, wants and desires of the other. In all areas of life be
        prepared for unexpected events. All good deeds will be blessed
        with positive results, but wicked intentions will have equal
        injustices returned to them. People associated with the
        astrological signs Cancer, Taurus and Libra are accented.
            On the negative side, you can easily meet someone during this
        time that is full of deceptions and lies, but paints a wonderful
        picture just the same. For those interested in the Tarot, she is
        the Moon card, master of deceptions and illusions. It is best to
        use caution with all relationships at this time until you are
        sure of their credentials and intentions. Just to be on the safe
        side, check out the place where they "say" they work just to make
        sure they have heard of them and be open to spot the floods of lies
        and deceptions that accompany the number "2". Relationships can
        be very unstable during this cycle and care should be
        exercised before making any commitments. Whether you are a man or
        a woman, you will experience deceit and deceptions from women in
        your life, whether friends, lovers, strangers or children.
            Domestic chores, housekeeping and cleaning come under the
        vibrations of the 2. You may decide to fix up or clean up a home
        which may have gotten out of control in the areas of repairs or
        tidiness. Since security is also a very big issue under the 2,
        your finances may come under careful scrutiny. How can I do
        without this to do that, what don't I need anymore, how can I
        balance the checkbook?  These are all issues of the 2.
            The helping and healings fields, charities and community
        groups can benefit by your presence. The only disadvantage of
        this placement is denying your own needs over the needs of
        others. Shyness can put a damper on making new acquaintances and
        contacts with others from which you can ultimately benefit.
        Vulnerable times for your health  and overworking the body are
        January, February and July. Sensitive areas of the body are the
        stomach and digestive tract.
            One danger of this cycle is an ultra sensitivity to
        things around you. Because of this sensitivity you may withdraw
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        from others instead on making a contribution. You will be the
        last person to try to dominate situations now. Consideration for
        others and their feelings is very strong.
            Interests for this cycle include: Any career that allows you
        to work out the small details, catering, store clerk, chef or
        cook, engineer, housekeeper, lawyer, real estate agent,
        accounting, negotiations, jeweler, healing, laboratory work,
        electronics or computers, post office, telephone sales or
        equipment operator, counseling, waitressing, domestic and home
        products or secretarial work. 
        August, 1998 for you is a 9 Month:
            The Number 9 month modifies still furthur the Year
        and Cycle numbers, and puts specific energy into humanitarian
        and charitable efforts for others, and letting go of relationships
        and things that are no longer necessary in your life.
            This is a time for PURGING yourself from the past, enabling
        the future to bring new experiences. The past comes alive through
        memories of both good and bad times. If you were married during
        the 8 year, cycle or month, then the 9 year, cycle or month can
        be considered the "getting to know you" syndrome, where all of
        your programming from your single days can be changed very
        quickly into "we" and how we operate as a unit, instead of "me"
        as a single entity. Old habits and thoughts die hard and the
        mighty 9 sees to it that thoughts and attitudes that need to be
        changed so that you can function as a unit, die or are modified.
        This may very well prove to be a very "Frustrating" time for you
        as we hold on to the old and try to reject the new. The 9 also
        gives us the ability to put others before ourselves, to help your
        new partner feel comfortable in a different environment,
        especially if they are moving into your home and they may feel
        somewhat uncomfortable in your space.
            This is an auspicious time to gain favors from the government
        or people in authority. You can wind up in some sort of
        disagreements or experience harsh words with someone, so be
        careful in your speech. Competition with others will work out
        well now and some honors can come to you. You may be fortunate
        in unexpected financial gains, in lotteries or other source.
        Because of your very sensitive emotional state, you can be very
        easily hurt by the words or explosive deeds of others, whether
        they are your friends, family or spouse. The mighty 9 will
        force some kind of changes in the structure of your
        relationships and new love relationships can easily suffer a
        setback, changing the way you look at it, for better or worse,
        probably both at the same time. Perhaps the key here is that you
        were giving too much of yourself to another and the pain and
        hurt feelings is forcing you to "step back" and become more
        impersonal with it if you are to "survive" or coexist within it.
            Achievement and success will come to those who help others.
        Self seeking motives will have its reward in ruin. This is
        the essence of the 9 month.
            This is an excellent time to clear out the "old" garbage from
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        your life that is not working anymore and make changes, whether
        it is insurance companies who don't have your best interests at
        heart or people that provide a service to you that you can no
        longer tolerate. Any conditions or situations that don't work
        any more should be reevaluated or replaced at this time.
            This is a time of transition and letting go of unnecessary
        things in our lives. Should we be foolish enough to try to hang
        on to them, the universe and its wisdom will find ways for us
        to have them part from us. Changes in career, profession or job
        can occur along with changes in residence, choosing to relocate.
        Charitable and humanitarian deeds are stressed bringing fulfillment
        with it. Try to work WITH others for a common goal that will benefit
        the masses of people. Sympathy, understanding of the plights of
        others, compassion and love should be extended to all people that
        you come in contact with now. Friendships from your past take on
        a greater meaning and wonderful new relationships can develop.
        Try to complete all of the goals and projects that you have been
        working on at this time.
           Among other things that can disappear (enforced rather than
        given up) are automobiles that have outworn their usefulness
        either by breaking down beyond repair or through accidents that
        forcibly take them from our lives, no matter how much we care
        about them. In fact, the more we do care about them, the more
        abruptly they are taken and all "1's" following the "9" year,
        cycle or month, bring new beginnings and new driving experiences.
        I know it is weird to even consider, but you may see a "mode of
        transportation" sacrifice its life so that you can move on to
        something better.
            You may take this time to get away from the hustle and bustle
        and take a trip to the ocean, or the woods. It is a time filled
        with letting go of all of your habits, conditions and people that
        have no meaning to you. Romance with people who are very
        different than yourself is very likely perhaps associated with
        the signs Aries or Scorpio. Accident potential is higher than
        normal so be careful of your driving, working with any sharp
        object or working around fire hazards. Perhaps you will take a
        long trip now.
            Charities and humanitarian causes are excellent avenues of
        expression for you now. You can become somewhat impractical in
        your thought patterns and over emotional at the drop of a hat.
        Since the 9 energy is very EMOTIONALLY charged, a pet or a
        person can pass out of your life at this time leaving you very
        upset. Friendships that have been going on for years can end as
        quickly as they started without even a word as to what happened
        to change things, or why the person suddenly won't speak to you
        anymore, or acknowledge your presence in the universe. This is
        the "killer" part of the number 9. Some friendships were just
        meant to pass from existence now especially if they had been
        getting kind of stale for some time.
            Now is the time to finish up projects and put those extra
        detailed touches on them. Forgive others for their indiscretions
        and forget it. Reach out your hand to someone in need, even if it
        takes some of your precious time and energy. Remember that what
        goes around comes around before you take action. Avoid pettiness
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        at any cost. You can also make some changes in your career or
        take on a part time job. Neptune is the ruler of the mighty 9,
        and it has its domain over liquids, water, gases, music and
        chemicals. Others prefer to place Mars or the Sun here as well.
        Perhaps bartending or working in a beverage store of some kind
        will be a source of additional income for you. Since the 9 is so
        spiritual, you may begin to counsel others or begin psychic
        readings, or use your psychic ability to help others in distress.
        On the other hand, you might start drinking more water to keep
        you body in harmony and balance.
            Fevers are a possibility at this time, and try to avoid rich
        and spicy foods which you will be drawn to, as well as alcohol
        and wine. Vulnerable months for health and overwork are April,
        May, October and November.
            One danger of the 9 energy is learning that there is nothing
        wrong with selfless giving and lack of ambitions for personal
        gain. Ambitions may be very high and the need for material
        compensation high as well. In matters of love and friendship,
        stop looking for it and it will find you! Social abilities and
        opportunities increase. Romantic and passionate states are
        heightened and someone may come along to remind you that you are
        never too old to have your heart jump started. Creative and
        artistic abilities become much stronger, looking for expression.
        Learn to give, so that you can receive. A career in medicine or
        the nursing profession can very well appeal to you now, or you
        may want to start medical school or nursing school.
            Thoughts on your mind this month may be: traveler, research
        worker, clairvoyant, dentist, butcher, philosopher, CIA agent,
        magician, fisherman, hospital worker, manicurist, logger,
        explorer, electrician, metaphysician, drama, music composition,
        art, entertainment, writing, architecture, speaking on
        inspirational subjects and counseling the ministry, nursing,
        physician, veterinarian services, communications, publishing,
        August, 1998 for you is a 1 year, 2 cycle, and 9 month:
        Overview: You have energy to spare. Go out and pioneer something
        brand new. Aggressive and impulsive actions are heightened.
        Material possessions, money and matters relating to your security
        are what you will be going after. The small details must be
        adhered to or they will trip you up. For a man, the 2 is
        feminine. For men and women she is deceitful and secretive, so be
        careful of your dealings. Expects tests to occur in all things
        you try to aggressively seek. The 9 is the ending and prepares
        you for the next cycle. You cannot get there until you finish up
        old details, end old habits, and make nice to others.
        August 1, 2020 for you is a 1 Day:
            Indecisions are your only enemy today. What a terrible time
        to waste a wonderfully productive day.
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        August 2, 2020 for you is a 11 Day:
            Intuition is right on target. Be diplomatic in your approach
        to others. Stay away from forming judgements of others. Black
        and White are your colors for today.
        August 3, 2020 for you is a 3 Day:
            Friends, popularity, creativity and communications are
        wonderful and exciting.
        August 4, 2020 for you is a 4 Day:
            Organize your efforts. A day of high energy and hard work.
        Accomplish what you can in a practical way.
        August 5, 2020 for you is a 5 Day:
            Write a book, publish a book, sell a book. Advertise. Give a
        lecture, teach a class.
        August 6, 2020 for you is a 6 Day:
            Any improvements that you can make to your home will be
        beneficial to you now. Work and service to others is required.
        August 7, 2020 for you is a 7 Day:
            Corrections can take place today in all circumstances of your
        life. A wonderful day to spend away from people and among
        August 8, 2020 for you is a 8 Day:
            You may be called to arbitrate between two issues or friends.
        Lady luck can be at your side today.
        August 9, 2020 for you is a 9 Day:
            Money and love may be headed in your direction. Make sure
        some of it flows out to others.
        August 10, 2020 for you is a 1 Day:
            Indecisions are your only enemy today. What a terrible time
        to waste a wonderfully productive day.
        August 11, 2020 for you is a 2 Day:
            Secret activities, money matters, cooperation with others are
        the key to this day.
        August 12, 2020 for you is a 3 Day:
            Friends, popularity, creativity and communications are
        wonderful and exciting.
        August 13, 2020 for you is a 22 Day:
            Be in harmony with the circumstances that surround your
        environment. Don't push yourself to hard and do only what you
        can do. Silver and Blue are your colors for today.
        August 14, 2020 for you is a 5 Day:
            Write a book, publish a book, sell a book. Advertise. Give a
        lecture, teach a class.
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        August 15, 2020 for you is a 6 Day:
            Any improvements that you can make to your home will be
        beneficial to you now. Work and service to others is required.
        August 16, 2020 for you is a 7 Day:
            Corrections can take place today in all circumstances of your
        life. A wonderful day to spend away from people and among
        August 17, 2020 for you is a 8 Day:
            You may be called to arbitrate between two issues or friends.
        Lady luck can be at your side today.
        August 18, 2020 for you is a 9 Day:
            Money and love may be headed in your direction. Make sure
        some of it flows out to others.
        August 19, 2020 for you is a 1 Day:
            Indecisions are your only enemy today. What a terrible time
        to waste a wonderfully productive day.
        August 20, 2020 for you is a 11 Day:
            Intuition is right on target. Be diplomatic in your approach
        to others. Stay away from forming judgements of others. Black
        and White are your colors for today.
        August 21, 2020 for you is a 3 Day:
            Friends, popularity, creativity and communications are
        wonderful and exciting.
        August 22, 2020 for you is a 4 Day:
            Organize your efforts. A day of high energy and hard work.
        Accomplish what you can in a practical way.
        August 23, 2020 for you is a 5 Day:
            Write a book, publish a book, sell a book. Advertise. Give a
        lecture, teach a class.
        August 24, 2020 for you is a 6 Day:
            Any improvements that you can make to your home will be
        beneficial to you now. Work and service to others is required.
        August 25, 2020 for you is a 7 Day:
            Corrections can take place today in all circumstances of your
        life. A wonderful day to spend away from people and among
        August 26, 2020 for you is a 8 Day:
            You may be called to arbitrate between two issues or friends.
        Lady luck can be at your side today.
        August 27, 2020 for you is a 9 Day:
            Money and love may be headed in your direction. Make sure
        some of it flows out to others.
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        August 28, 2020 for you is a 1 Day:
            Indecisions are your only enemy today. What a terrible time
        to waste a wonderfully productive day.
        August 29, 2020 for you is a 11 Day:
            Intuition is right on target. Be diplomatic in your approach
        to others. Stay away from forming judgements of others. Black
        and White are your colors for today.
        August 30, 2020 for you is a 3 Day:
            Friends, popularity, creativity and communications are
        wonderful and exciting.
        August 31, 2020 for you is a 4 Day:
            Organize your efforts. A day of high energy and hard work.
        Accomplish what you can in a practical way.
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