Past Lives Report


Mother Teresa

by Bernie Ashman





Awakenings, Inc.

P.O. Box 10672

Prescott, AZ 86301-0672




The Astrological Charts


Mother Teresa
Aug 26, 1910
02:25:00 PM CET  -01:00
Skopje, Yugoslavia 
021E26'00"  41N59'00"
Koch House System







House Cusps






01  24°Sg16'






02  21°Cp44'






03  29°Aq32'






04  18°Ar00'






05  09°Ta37'






06  01°Ge17'



06°Ta32' R



07  24°Ge16'



21°Cp47' R



08  21°Ca44'






09  29°Le32'






10  18°Li00'



22°Ta46' R



11  09°Sc37'






12  01°Sg17'








Past Lives Chart
Aug 26, 1910
02:25:00 PM CET  -01:00
Skopje, Yugoslavia 
021E26'00"  41N59'00"
Koch House System







House Cusps






01  01°Sg17'






02  09°Sc37'






03  18°Li00'






04  29°Le32'






05  21°Ca44'






06  24°Ge16'



06°Ta32' R



07  01°Ge17'



21°Cp47' R



08  09°Ta37'






09  18°Ar00'






10  29°Aq32'



22°Ta46' R



11  21°Cp44'






12  24°Sg16'







Copyright 1985-2001 Matrix Software, Inc.

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Welcome to your Past Life report. Whereas the birthchart is a symbolic road map describing your current life, the Past Lives chart is a blueprint of your previous incarnations. The pages that follow will help shed some light on themes related to your past life instincts. First, let's talk about reincarnation which is the belief that the current incarnation (as depicted by our birthchart) is linked to the lives that we have previously led. This collection of past influences points to particular experiences you might encounter again so that you can further your growth and fully develop your creative potential. These past impressions go far in shaping many of our current thoughts and choices. There are certain gifts a person seems to possess right  out of the womb! It's as though destiny or fate leads one to realize these attributes. Of course, we still have to show ambition and make the effort in order to keep our dreams alive. This report may give confirmation to talents that you already know you have or open your eyes to ones that you have yet to discover.

Our past lives are alive and well in our consciousness. This may already be apparent to you. But on the other hand, these experiences can lie beyond the threshold of our conscious mind's awareness. What is doing the remembering, if our mind isn't? Call it your soul, higher consciousness or whatever explanation feels right to you.

Have you ever heard about karma, that great law of cause and effect? An old timeless saying sums up the whole process: "You reap what you sew." There are actions and thoughts that defined us in other lives, or have guided us to where we are in the present. They don't really exert any control over us. We have freedom of choice. That's a strong message to remember when reading this report.

Also, don't panic if you read something that says you were not a perfect person. Nobody is in the current one! Use the report as a learning tool. The idea is to keep developing and evolving. It's balancing the cosmic rhythm of past and present that presents each of us with a challenge. Do we respond positively or negatively? With hope or doubt? Many of our tendencies are linked to previous incarnations. Certain patterns have likely been by our side over many lifetimes. As we grow and expand our awareness, it becomes very possible to step beyond the trappings of past life baggage.

No doubt you will read various sections that seem to contradict each other. Each could be true about you. It's important to realize that many different dimensions of ourselves live within us. Each of us is composed of memories from so many past lives, combined with an assortment of ways we have learned to deal with reality in this life, that make us complex beings. See which descriptions ring true to you as you read through the following pages. You will notice some traits described have a repeating theme.

I hope you find this report an enjoyable ride into your past life instincts and thought patterns. They are somewhere in your consciousness. Perhaps some of what you read will strike a familiar chord. After all, these pages are all about your past life loves, creative pursuits, adventures, travels, highs and lows, over many lifetimes. Happy navigating!


The Past Life Chart Structure

Some technical explanations about the Past Life chart (if you detest technical discussions, then skip this paragraph and jump right into the report!). The Ascendant in this chart starts with the sign on the cusp of the 12th house, instead of the traditional method of using the sign on the 1st house cusp, which is the sign rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth. Also, the Past Life birthchart houses are counted clockwise, rather than the conventional way of counterclockwise. In other words, since the 12th house becomes the Ascendant, the sign on the cusp of the 11th house now begins the 2nd house, etc., around the chart wheel. What is considered the Ascendant or 1st house in the traditional chart becomes the 12th in the Past Life chart. Your planets remain in the same sign placements, but now occupy different houses, in this new chart. The planets in signs are interpreted in your report from a past lives perspective.

Something interesting to consider in thinking of the houses in a clockwise direction, they are actually now moving in the same direction as the Nodes of the Moon. As you will read in the report the Moon's nodes are strong past life or karmic points in a chart. Their retrograde motion is clockwise meaning they share the same life biorhythms as the houses of the Past Life chart. By traveling backward, or clockwise, through the houses, you are being regressed back into a past life analysis. Enjoy your ride down memory filled lanes!



The Passport

In this section are the first, middle and last names of your Past Lives astrological identity, the Sun, Moon, and Past Lives Ascendant. Each of these three building blocks will be discussed as to how they actively shaped many of your former lives. But before you meet these three key players, you will start your tour through memory lane with the North Node of the Moon. The North Node contains a special message about what was your overall life purpose.  It was a constant rhythm pulsating in your consciousness to keep you on target toward your true purposes. It was a celestial compass trying to guide you to walk your talk with greater clarity. So sit back, and enjoy reading your past lives primer.


Node in Taurus

You had a history of attaining reliable resources. One of your key impulses was seeking comfort and ownership. Your soul was normally patient to reincarnate, knowing that a lifetime of work couldn't be done in a day. The archetypal theme for your destiny was to be a stabilizing force. A crucial lesson was not to get stuck. Becoming too attached to what you tasted, touched, smelled and owned kept you from expanding your growth. When you found ways to increase your wealth, it brought you great satisfaction.

There were times you were drawn into the danger lanes. A trickster was telling yourself that whatever came easy was not to be trusted. Life seemed an endless struggle. Finding a way to balance a sober outlook with seeking extreme intensity was a key to your fulfillment. Finding contentment with your desire nature regularly played a major role in your incarnations. You needed to know that you could trust someone with your deepest secrets and with your possessions. Claiming your own power in relationships and in other endeavors, shed great illumination. Betrayal by those you confided in threw you off course. Turning to your own values and resourcefulness pointed the way to wholeness. A tendency to explore life's mysteries deepened your understanding and taught you how to convert negatives into positives.


Node in 8th house

What types of activities did you participate in that furthered your soul growth? Delving into the mysteries of life with a detective-like presence was a preoccupation. You weren't afraid to walk along the narrow ledges, if that's where the intensity could be found. If you became too bogged down in hoarding what you saved, life had a way of disrupting your pleasure. A common concern was "how can I reach full empowerment?" When you followed your passion to achieve wealth or dynamic relationships with common sense you managed to stay out of karma's way. What sorts of experiences motivated you? There was being a shrewd businessperson. Negotiation savvy adorned you. Plumbing to the depths of your main interests came naturally. Even mysticism called to you. Your energy levels peaked when finding either the lover or profession of your most cherished dream. If you became too possessive or jealous, you created more trouble than it was worth. When you assumed the appropriate power it kept you on track as much as compulsively overpowering others caused endless trouble. Somewhere always hiding in the caverns of your memory banks was a survival instinct mixed with a tinge of a longing to keep life very simple. When using this wisely and pragmatically, life was colored with a rich array of abundant experiences.


Sun: Creativity, Ego, Self-expression

Sun in Virgo:

The sign of Virgo the virgin lighted the late-summer astrological skies at your birth into this life. Let's explore what significance this had in regard to your past lives. In traditional astrology the keyword phrase for Virgo is "I analyze". You showed a questioning mind. There was a theme associated with your sign that translated into a demand for perfection. It was important to learn how to turn this mechanism on and off.

Archetypes for Virgo include the editor, perfectionist and diligent one. There was an innate sense of purpose that depended heavily on established routines. This latter trait followed you from lifetime to lifetime. It proved best to carry on without getting so absorbed by the little things that "the forest got lost for the trees". Worrying didn't guarantee the job would get done any better.

The cosmic principle at work through many of your past incarnations was to rely on the steadiness of left brain logic. When you allowed your intuitive right brain equal playing time everyday life had a lively lubricant. Your mind grew dulled by the heaviness of work and responsibility when there was no leisure. You often worked circles around your contemporaries. You found ego strength when honing your skills. When you didn't let criticism curtail your ambition, an inner confidence blossomed. You came into this life solarized through a sign promoting analysis. This was a theme that ran throughout your incarnations and was a key to self-mastery. It was when you learned how to act from your heart as well as your head that you achieved the fulfillment you were seeking.


Sun in 4th house

You had solar power that was expressed with a lot of feeling in previous lives. Though it must be said you weren't always so quick to show your playing cards. An inclination to be secretive until really trusting that the time was right to reveal your true motives was a way of being. Your creative vitality became awakened when you saw ways to add to feelings of security. Home was godly in your opinion. You took pride in preserving the customs and beliefs that were heartfelt. Loyalty to family and ancestry was part of the package.

If there was a challenge, it was becoming too scared to show your true talent. A lack of confidence due to shyness or fear of failure was the source of this behavior. You did often outgrow being overly reserved. The hermit and silent one did live brightly through you. This isn't saying you were always a loner, only that you needed time to warm up to people. Your self-expression climbed the sky in a big way when you found the life directions that energized your inner dreams. Getting your moods in sync with your mind was a key to success. The world responded positively when you had the courage to initiate actions that were for the good of all, and not so graciously when you drew back into a reclusive shell. Getting beyond the negative memories of the past usually was a first step in the right direction. You found fulfillment in nurturing the growth of those you loved, and witnessing the birth of your most cherished plans.


Moon: Sense of Security, Roots, Feelings

Moon in Taurus:

You were lunarized at birth through the sign of Taurus. What does this say about your past life tendencies? An instinctual desire to find emotional stability typified many of your incarnations. The family ancestries in past lives were linked by a motivation to build reliable avenues that paved the way for a steady future. You believed in the power of money. This isn't saying you were necessarily ruled by your material desires. Only that you had a healthy respect for wealth. Business sense followed you from one life to another.

Your inner landscapes were colored by a love of serenity and beauty. Stress didn't fit into your plan. This was especially true of your home as you went out of your way to ensure its tranquility. Artistic and musical ability was shown regularly. Family members saw you as a stabilizing force.

Inertia was a challenge. More frequently when this manifested it was due to a loss of hope. A fear of losing what you owned is what got your adrenaline pumping. Sometimes you were accused of being possessive. When you fell in love with someone, it's true that you wanted it to be for keeps. When people showed they valued you, it made you feel on top of the world. Your subconscious called to you to pace yourself slowly, taking the time to enjoy the moment.


Moon in 8th house

You had intuitive power when it came to understanding the deeper psychological processes of people. Trust didn't come easy. You instinctually knew to be cautious around those arousing your suspicion in order to ensure your sense of security. A probing psyche allowed you to guard against letting individuals get too close, until getting to know them. When you did depend on someone too much, and got hurt in the process, the scar didn't go away quickly. You tended to process the past diligently.

There were power struggles. It wasn't easy to trust others. If you did draw close to someone, the bond did grow quite deep. Your moods were about as intense as they came. People often wondered what was going on in your head, as many of your thoughts were kept private. There was a mental toughness that separated you from the fainthearted. The downside was self-undoing through compulsive desires and a tendency to be self-destructive. The upside was equally as strong, showing a talent to master incredible creative energies, and to overcome adversity. There were strong survival instincts. An inner feeling to seek passionate and intense relationships was a repeating pattern. You preferred lovers and friends who were generous with their money and property. It encouraged you to open your heart to them. Experiences that fostered your personal empowerment and offered privacy were your favorites.


Ascendant: Persona, Identity, Calling Card

Sagittarius on Ascendant:

With the sign Sagittarius as your past lives ascendant, a fiery zeal for travel on the physical and mental levels colored your incarnations. You often showed a restless spirit to seek growth in all sorts of ways. Finding truths that kept setting you free was your normal way of being. Some accused you of being an aimless gypsy, while others saw you as a champion of learning. Discipline and reliability were not always so easy to understand. A happy-go-lucky persona made others think your life required little effort. Your faith usually brought you good luck. It was a positive attitude you projected that created good fortune along your life paths. Sometimes promising too much got you into trouble. An expansive nature that couldn't sit still frustrated those depending on you. You did better when not settling for any one version of truth. An eclectic nature brought out your creative best. When you accepted life's realities you usually were happier. Being an optimist took you past situations when the chips were down. The courage to walk toward greater self-understanding brought you closer to happiness than trying to escape.



The Quest

Mercury: Communication, Perceptions and Logic

Mercury in Virgo

You were Mercurialized at birth through the sign of Virgo pointing to analytical mental impulses in past lives. Your communication style was meticulous and quite objective.

Decision-making went smoothly after you sifted through all of the facts. You didn't like the gray areas. A precision-like sense guided you in seeing when something in your immediate environment was out of place. Perfection was agonizing. It wasn't easy to turn off a chatter box voice within pointing out your faults. Sometimes you turned this tendency to judge others. You were more popular when knowing how to stop critiquing yourself and those who knew you the best.

Hard working was your middle name. Work that called for detail didn't make you nervous. Forgetting to play was probably a common complaint of your lovers and family. Technical ideas showed off your ability. The world of business stimulated the competitive part of your brain that enjoyed problem solving. Your mental outlook was brighter when you didn't succumb habitually to negative thinking, and when you had opportunities to learn new skills.


Mercury in 4th house

Your perceptions moved reflectively, as though you were processing the past while analyzing the present. Deep emotions were often hid from others. You cautiously looked out at the world, concerned how to preserve your sense of well being. Your mind was intuitive and somewhat skeptical as to the motives of others. Family members were usually your closest allies, unless someone broke your trust. Hermit-like instincts flavored your thinking. You cherished privacy and were quite particular about where you lived. Your moods were intense and not revealed to just anyone. It was when you pulled back to the extreme from others that you became confused. Your mental power emanated from your level of inner comfort. Communication tended to be kept to a minimum unless you were extremely relaxed with someone. Social situations took a while for you to warm up to. You didn't like people invading your space.  When you ran away from challenges they snowballed. You were better off in dealing with issues directly because this empowered your mind.


Venus: Relationships, Values, Comfort.

Venus in Leo

With the love goddess adorning you through the sign of Leo at birth, you came from past lives where you sought after highly creative and dramatic lovers. Many people experienced you as symbolizing vitality and passion. Your social instincts were shaded with a hue of carrying yourself with great pride combined with a fierce competitive spirit.

The ideal soul mate was someone with self-confidence and a willingness to share center stage with you. You were attracted to lovers showering you with their generosity and affection. A never-ending drive to encourage those you loved to pursue their dreams made you popular. There were a few tense moments if you grew too pushy. The same could be said that when others tried to force their needs onto you, they were often met with a willful resistance. You liked being your own person. There were times you compulsively sought approval and applause to the point of not being yourself.

Your romantic fulfillment depended greatly on your choosing a partner with a lively personality and an innate generosity.


Venus in 5th house

You were vivacious when interacting socially, energizing those coming into contact with you. You tended to be a driving force in relationships, inspiring others to be more confident. Dramatic lovers got your attention, as much as your outgoing ways got to them. You were a true romantic. There was a creative presence that emanated from you. It made people take notice. You were sensitive about receiving attention. Your strength got a big boost from those believing in you. The big dilemma occurred when they didn't.

Some accused you of being too bossy, though you called this speaking your mind. You needed strong partners able to stand their own ground, not feeling threatened by your successes. When you didn't grow jealous of the fame and good fortune of others, you were easier to live with. Your peers found you to be fun loving and full of vitality. They themselves stimulated you to go beyond your comfort zones. You were risk-taking. Gambling when the odds were against you was a regular reality. You valued having a sense of pride in your creative self-expression. When individuals included you in key decisions they made you feel valuable. Helping open doors of opportunity for those you loved, so they could realize their potential, meant a lot to you.


Mars: Assertion, Courage, Identity

Mars in Virgo

What would a warrior planet in the earthy sign of Virgo mean regarding your past lives? Your initiating impulse was to proceed cautiously rather than leaping forward spontaneously. You could outrun anyone when you were anxious to get a job done. It's only that you wanted to make sure the coast was clear and no rocks were hidden before making the big decisions. You were impatient with the details you detested but could be meticulous with the little things if they were sniffed out as being important. A competitive spirit came alive when trying to solve a problem. You didn't give up easily, sometimes irritating those wanting you to give up sooner.

Your identity was solidified when working in professions that made you feel productive and fulfilling your potential. Criticism drove a wedge between you and those you loved. You didn't take kindly to having your life critiqued and did bother others when you pounced too harshly on their dreams. When you left the door open to creating win-win situations, guess what happened? People liked you! Angry outbursts were often the result of anxiety over trying to be too perfect. When you found confidence, you worked long hours on a project. Self-doubt doused your passion in a hurry. You had to learn how to pace yourself to maintain your health. Teaching others your skills sometimes stimulated you to think more positively. When you moved with a steady grasp of reality combined with a teaspoon of senseless wonder, the universe did smile upon you with more of its gifts.


Mars in 4th house

You took initiative when it came to preserving your sense of security. Your adrenaline got pumping when you saw ways to ensure your safety, and that of those you cared about. A competitive side came forward when you refused to be held back by either authority figures, or people thinking you didn't know how to take care of yourself. Fighting to defend your home or most cherished possessions was a repeating theme. What made you become territorial? That's an easy one to answer. You didn't permit just anyone to invade your privacy! Home was sacred whether you lived in a teepee, houseboat or a large estate. You needed your own cave from which to draw strength. Your emotions could be deep, but well hidden from plain sight.

Impatience was more the result of mood swings that could suddenly appear with no advance notice. You had to learn how not to take your troubles out on those living with you. Having plenty to do outside of the home helped channel your energies productively.  Assertiveness sometimes made you uncomfortable.  There was a reserved side of you that made you harder to get to know. Though when you grew comfortable with someone you became more open. You were not the most decisive when becoming too dependent on others. Anger was shown when you felt as though others took your support for granted or when you received little in return.


Jupiter: Knowledge, Expansion, Philosophy, Travel

Jupiter in Libra

Having Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, in the sign of Libra indicates you were excited by the people connections you made. You were a net-worker, whether living in a small medieval hamlet or a modern metropolis.  Making up your mind was the biggest challenge. Knowledge was your ticket to a more promising tomorrow. You chose to expand your potential through a wide assortment of friends. A positive attitude guided you to meet the right individuals and to move into stimulating social circles. You sometimes tried too hard to please others, rather than pleasing yourself. Meeting lovers gave your creative expression a boost. When you perceived who was the right type of romantic partner, you experienced less disappointment. Your belief in others brought out their best. It was your overconfidence in some individuals that got you into trouble. Conflict bothered you, so you liked to resolve differences quickly. You were a strong believer in fairness and ethics. You felt luckier when you followed your own instincts toward the life paths that spoke to you for exploration. When maintaining a broad perspective you missed out on less of life's beauty and found the doors to opportunities ready to be opened.


Jupiter in 4th house

A positive and enterprising outlook influenced you to seek adventurous living places. You tended to roam freely.  At times you didn't lose any sleep over not having roots. However, eventually you did tire of being the gypsy and nomad, desiring to settle down. Spontaneity made you feel unrestricted by rules and the expectations of others. You became quite nurturing when assuming responsibility for others. Though there were times when you exited if the job seemed too demanding. You did need to watch your own leaning on lovers or family to the extreme. It under minded your self-confidence. Travel to other lands broadened your understanding. Living far from birth was a pattern. Luck smiled favorably upon you when you didn't dig up the seed of your hopes before they had a chance to come to fruition. Good fortune came through believing in those who loved you, and trusting your intuition.



The Journey

Saturn: Ambition, Seriousness, Focus, Responsibility

Saturn in Taurus

Ambition came forward slowly but surely, says your past history, with Saturn placed within the calming sign Taurus. Discipline was usually preached to you early in life. It wasn't wise to force you to be something you really didn't want to be. You were serious about money. This means you knew quickly that few things came without a price. Business sense was in your veins. Some accused you of being too cautious. Moving with a steady pace toward success was your style. You were willing to work hard, but you didn't like everyday hassles. Your greatest fear was whether you could find the love and sense of well being you desired. When you satisfied this dilemma, you were then able to proceed ahead with less anxiety.

A karmic shadow was getting lost in either material desires or having a poverty consciousness. When you mastered this dilemma, you enjoyed greater balance. You often defined yourself through solid professional aspirations and as someone determining the best way to dig in and ride out life's storms.


Saturn in 9th house

What was your main focus? It was developing a clear and pragmatic philosophical outlook. You consistently asked at crucial points during an incarnation: how do I maintain a positive attitude? Your idealism was regularly tested. It wasn't easy to have faith in the future. When you made the best of whatever life sent you, it gave you a sense of control. Negativity produced karmic woes. The antidote was greater flexibility in this area, that is, when you were determined not to repeat the same old lessons needing to be learned.  Your ethics were high and mighty. If you didn't grow too preachy and narrow in perspective, people liked you.

A shadow was not being open to alternative possibilities. When you mind closed down to seeking new growth, you were more apt to walk into trouble. Trying to force others to buy into your point of view wasn't the way to happiness. Clear definition regarding your overall game plan was a must. A challenge was seeing that worrying didn't make the outcome of situations any better. A major redefining occurred in lifetimes associated with ascertaining which paths would best express your abilities. Learning to believe in your knowledge a key turning point. Wisdom came through making discipline fun and rewarding.


Uranus: Individuality, Goals, Uniqueness, Freedom

Uranus in Capricorn

You had a tendency to be pragmatic concerning your future goals, indicates Uranus in the sign Capricorn. Your mind did switch to fast forward when your ambition awakened. You were an interesting sort when it came to traditions. In some lives you dared not break free from accepted thinking and refused to question societal trends. In other incarnations you found yourself fighting against the norm. You were less likely to be a disruptive force when believing you could make changes from within a system or institution.

Inventiveness was often displayed in the professions you chose. The difficulty was determining what type of work was best for you. You were not happy when stuck in any kind of role that you perceived to be limiting. Maintaining a sense of direction encouraged you to trust current commitments and enlivened your search for energizing new ones.


Uranus in 11th house

In what way were you unconventional? It was in regard to experimentation. You were willing to try anything once. You had futuristic vision that propelled you onto exciting paths that pointed the way to reinventing yourself. Original ideas are what you found enlivening. A sense of direction was maintained through a rugged self-determination. Though you could change your mind in midstream, if the spirit moved you to do so. Why? Usually it was because something more interesting came along. This didn't exactly make you dependable. You rebelled against either backward thinking, or ideas that lacked originality. Even when staying silent you inwardly protested against repressive institutions or regimes. Going into fast forward occurred when you perceived it was the opportune time to leap into a new life. You didn't like thinking for too long before taking a risk. This did cause you to burn a few bridges too soon. Your own agendas sometimes became too important and caused tension in partnerships. Accommodating what others wanted was easier if it didn't interfere with your own desires. You were inventive in spotting trends that others would appreciate.


Neptune: Idealism, Romanticism, Intuition, Dreams, Escapism

Neptune in Cancer

You believed in ideals that gave you a greater sense of awareness. Your idealism was awakened through finding a family or community that supported your dreams. Moods were as deep as the Pacific Ocean. You could drift into silent contemplation for extended time periods. This was only a problem if you hid behind this behavior rather than face reality. In some lives you were the psychic hub of a village or tribe, like a medicine person or religious leader. You sought romance with individuals with the same need to create a home. It was highly desirable that where you lived be a sanctuary.

A major challenge was not letting your fears get the best of you. Digging up the seed too early through self-doubt kept you at times from moving to new horizons. You were so concerned for the welfare of others that you denied yourself a few opportunities. There was divine discontent in not really knowing what location was best suited for you. It's that you were so sensitive to the energies in a region, that you needed time to digest the new one. You wanted from the deepest part of your soul to have intimate connections with your closest allies. You enjoyed your privacy and expected others to respect this. You might even go off on a solo retreat. You found transcendental growth through making contact with your inner spirit and seeking outer experiences that mirrored the fulfillment you needed.


Neptune in 6th house

 In what way were you extra intuitive? It was in regard to learning new skills and self-improvement in general. You had high standards about efficiency, but didn't always have clearly defined paths for getting organized. You became mesmerized when watching others excel in what you desired to learn. The healing arts held a special place in your heart, as did a devotional life. Diet and health became special interests in some lives. Your idealism inspired you to follow certain causes.

A test was learning how to select what was worth your sacrifice of time, energy and at times wealth. The boundary between common sense and wearing "strawberry fields" colored glasses was not usually very thick. Rolling up your sleeves to take on a difficult project came when feeling the inspiration of your beliefs. Your spirituality kept you mentally centered and strong. What was the biggest challenge? Without a doubt, perfection! It plagued you when trying to defy reasonable expectations. You were happier if not expecting the impossible. You were driven to escapism if not modifying your standards. Faith transformed your denial of reality into a more balanced expression. You searched for a purpose that helped you walk without guilt, and strengthened your resolve to accept life's ups and downs.


Pluto: Personal Power, Self-mastery, Rebirth, Loss, Passion

Pluto in Gemini

Empowering yourself through researching growth-promoting information was a past lives tendency. You had a penetrating mind that could cut to the chase quickly in terms of ascertaining your options. Hungrily seeking learning material was a regular pattern. You sought after knowledge that might increase your earning power. You exhibited charisma through a witty intellect that knew a little about a wide range of subjects. Though there was a subject or two that found you going to the depths. A compulsively suspicious nature was sometimes a downfall. It was important that you did learn discrimination about who to trust. You only needed to be careful how far you took this trait.

There was a shadow. What was it? A constant preoccupation with criticizing what or who you couldn't control. When this tendency was modified, life was a happier possibility. You were an apt communicator. Writing and teaching were part of your past. You had a memory for facts. Self-mastery was discovered through not allowing yourself to settle for few options, while many presented themselves. You found rebirth or a sense of renewal when crossing over the boundaries of your fears into unexplored territory.


Pluto in 6th house

How did you go about seeking personal empowerment? It was through cleverly adapting to new situations and being prepared for the inevitable. A renewed sense of purpose was discovered through finding the skills that released your true capabilities. You were thorough, but sometimes perfection got the best of you. Being a critic came naturally. You needed to tone down unrealistic demands. A powerful self-examination manifested after a personal setback in the areas of love, health or career. A compulsive tendency to worry got you to ask thought-provoking questions. A shadow frequently followed you into incarnations connected to being afraid to have others see your faults. When you got over this concern, you were more spontaneous.




You have already been introduced to the ten planets. Certain planetary pairs in your chart have a special relationship to one another due to particular angular distances separating them, known as aspects. You could say the two planets in an aspect travel and interact together along the same circuit. The following aspects will be listed under five types. Two are known as the soft aspects: the sextile (60 degrees) and trine (120 degrees). These two aspects generally point to more gentle themes, and therefore will describe past life trends that went very well for you. They indicate a lower voltage of electricity and produced less friction in your mind and through your actions. The planets involved in a trine or sextile are more likely to talk about areas where you flowed without much effort.

The more hard or intense aspects are the conjunction (0 degrees), square (90 degrees) and opposition (180 degrees). They required your best understanding in past lives. Planets that are part of an intense aspect you will notice often indicate lessons that must be learned, and follow us from one incarnation into another until we get them in balance. These higher voltage aspects don't mean the planets operated negatively, only that there was much more force behind them. "Soft" does not mean good and "intense" does not imply bad. It is often the more intense aspects that deepen our soul growth, that is, if we learn how to use their power wisely. If we don't it's like taking one step forward and three back.

It might be helpful to keep some keywords in mind for the aspects. The sextile represents Excitation and Eagerness. The planets in this aspect give clues as to how their energies worked in a stimulating way through you. The trine is a special Harmony. The two planets involved show you were confident of their interacting energies. The conjunction is where two planets are joined at the hip. There is a Fusion or powerful blending of these energies. The square can reveal where you encountered Friction. Pay special attention to these aspects in particular because they denote themes that are strong past patterns. Squares ask us to resolve their conflict by finding creative outlets. The opposition requires a Balancing act. It is similar to a seesaw. Gaining objective awareness about each planet is a key. Remember, it was usually the most intense aspects that stretched you the most in past lives.


Moon trine Mars

Tuning into your anger helped you steer clear of causing trouble. You preferred people that didn't make themselves a disruptive nuisance. You might have been emotionally intense, but this wasn't so easily seen. You liked competition because it awakened your drive. It wasn't the winning that was as important as the momentum it created. You didn't mind challenges as long as they fit neatly into your life.


Moon trine Uranus

You had an easygoing approach about changes, flowing with whatever came along. Sometimes you needed a gentle nudge if you were too passive. A fondness for friends with a vision was part of your past. There was not a strong drive to pursue your goals until you found the subject matter or circumstances that jump-started your ignition. When you objectively perceived a clear sense of direction you moved with wonderful forethought.


Moon conjunct Node

You relied on your intuition a great deal to make sure you were walking your talk in harmony. The natural forces of the universe tried to reveal their presence to you. Why? So you would remember that you were not alone.  There was a protective energy around you, guiding you toward the paths that brought an inner sense of security. Romance made you feel more whole. Though you needed to be sure not to depend too much on others. You found balance through self-reliance. Staying focused on your objectives was the way to success.


Sun trine Saturn

You liked things that came easily, without great effort. It's not that you lacked ambition, it's only that you didn't want to sweat if not needing to do so. If you lacked drive, it was usually because you didn't want to take the chance on failing. You often recovered quickly from setbacks due to not taking yourself too seriously. Your management style was gentle and not so controlling.


Sun oppose Midheaven

Taking your show public didn't always come without a struggle. Much of it was an internal one. You looked very much for support from family and lovers. Confidence grew after taking that first painful, scary step toward exhibiting your potential. It was easier to promote others than yourself as a pattern. You certainly were proud of your accomplishments. You were sensitive about people showing confidence in you. There was a special joy when the effort you made finally took you to the top of the mountain. Keeping your public and private lives balanced was the road to happiness.


Sun square Ascendant

You didn't exactly find the world ready for your creativity. However, this doesn't mean you weren't successful. It's just saying that at times you had to exert great will power. Knowing when you were getting too pushy kept you out of trouble. When you lacked ego strength, it was due to little confidence. Lovers and friends when acting as cheerleaders got you going. Trying too hard to be liked didn't get the results you desired. You had great stamina when competing. Losing wasn't really an option when you were on top of your game. People trying to change you met with resistance. You were better liked when allowing those closest to you be themselves. You grew in strength when tuning into your inner power as it proved stronger than forcing the world to accommodate you.


Mercury square Pluto

You had a mind that could slice through any problem, like a laser beam. Mental intensity followed you into your incarnations. Sooner or later, you were faced with your shadows. Staring them down was liberating, running from them was limiting. You could be ruthless about defending your ideas. Whatever work you performed, it was thorough. A passion for your favorite subjects and pastimes caused you to accomplish great things. When you didn't stubbornly resist those wanting to know the real you, your relationships deepened immensely. You didn't trust many people. Transcending a painful past was occasionally the catalyst to send you toward rebirth.


Venus square Saturn

You worked hard to maintain partnerships mainly because you feared rejection. Lovers fell under two categories. They could be very loyal and generous. Then there was the scrooge and cold group. It's no secret who made you feel the best. You had a preference for long-term commitments but only with those you trusted. Warming up to someone took time. You were reserved. But when you found a comfort zone, you were as lively as they came. People were inclined to try to control you, especially if you were willing to let them do it. Power struggles were troublesome. Diplomacy and tact did help you get through situations. You didn't give up easily on those you loved, especially if they did the same for you. Flexibility was the key to happiness in relationships and in seeking comfort.


Jupiter square Neptune

Your faith could either be impeccable or be filled with holes of doubt. It was escapism that hijacked your happiness. Facing your shortcomings gave you the strength to deal with whatever came your way. You believed in love. Your romances were many. You found the greatest peace when realizing you could survive alone or with that special someone. There was a divine discontent with reality that either drove you to be creative or to become disillusioned. You detested limits. Whatever you could imagine you thought possible to accomplish. An intense desire to follow a spiritual path suddenly came upon you. There was conflict in chasing what the world offered and satisfying an inner longing for peace. You weren't easy to live with because you were so changeable in likes and dislikes. When you did become content, you had to stay grounded to really let the experience engulf you. Ideals inspired your creativity.


Uranus oppose Neptune

Relationships either brought you to a greater sense of clarity or caused you confusion. You liked exchanging ideas with someone as a way of gaining objectivity. It was important that you didn't go chasing so compulsively after love that you forgot your sense of direction. When you stayed reasonable in expectations of others, life was more pleasurable. You had a powerful imagination. Staying grounded kept you focused. When you trusted your intuition, you tuned into the future. Having inspiring dreams to live for kept you thinking positive and creatively.


Uranus trine Node

Being able to keep your major goals in front of you was performed with great vision. Even if you became distracted by life's demands, you maintained a steady sense of direction. Mixing in stimulating and uplifting experiences was essential to keeping you on top of your game.


Pluto trine Midheaven

Keeping your head in the middle of a crisis you did quite well. People sometimes erroneously thought you to be a doormat or to lack ambition. They didn't see the inner resolve and confidence that was staring them in the face.  Empowerment came through a strong inner sense of your strength, and a relentless tenacity that wouldn't quit.


Midheaven square Node

If you are reading this one, then you don't need to be reminded again that your most serious focuses always became the bread and butter of fulfillment. When not challenged, an inner conflict tormented you. Your intuition made a pact with reality that you would work hard as long as you got to play. Balancing the needs of profession and family were quite a challenge. You wanted both in a big way. Pleasing each tore you apart if not staying true to your own soul growth. People took notice of your accomplishments, sometimes giving you more recognition than you gave yourself. Making peace with the past freed you in the present and launched the magic of the future.


Ascendant oppose Node

Subconscious impulses were powerful. You had to be careful in not letting irrational fears be your most dominant expression. Relationships, especially romantic or family ones, had a way of hitting a nerve. Trust didn't come easily if someone started to activate memories that reminded you of the past that went sour. You liked to be needed because it deepened your purpose. When trying to find too much of yourself in someone else was when you lost your balance. Keeping dependency needs clearly defined helped make life happier. Maintaining a sensible and objective framework from which to operate was a key ingredient to harmony.


Just as the Ascendant in the Passport section that began this report was described as a sign serving a special purpose, each of the other eleven houses has a sign that helps define its meaning. What follows is a trip through each of the other past lives houses or environments to give you a view of additional characteristics. First are listed the keywords for each house.


2nd House: Comfort, values, money, ownership.
Scorpio on 2nd house:

You clung to what you owned. It was because you felt you had earned it! Privacy was highly valued. It gave you a sense of power and strength. You didn't always play the game above board. Manipulating a deal to get it to turn in your favor was a talent. A sixth sense for knowing the bottom line helped you in negotiations. You were intense about your values and might even have fought to the death over them! Self-esteem was crucial to your happiness. Letting go of destructive behaviors was liberating.


3rd House: Perceptions, learning, communication, insight.
Libra on 3rd house:

Being able to see both sides of issues was a blessing and a curse. It made you a fair person but not always a happy one. Decisions that had an impact on you emotionally were challenging. This was when getting a clear consensus in your own head might be testy. In trying to please others, a waffling trait did occur. People made you nervous when rushing you to think fast. Anger made you nervous so you liked to resolve differences fast. Overly compromising didn't get you the best results. You were happier when learning to live with your choices.


4th House: Home, security, nurturing, roots.
Leo on 4th house:

Power struggles with others did occur. It was a challenge to learn how to become a negotiator. Creating win-win situations was the real test. You remained close to those letting you express your true power. If you became obsessed with overpowering others, you made enemies. When you didn't compulsively crave attention you were happier. Finding a true sense of inner security brought harmony.  There was a challenge in not letting your critics destroy your self-confidence.


5th House: Self-expression, creativity, confidence, romance, risk-taking.
Cancer on 5th house:

Your creative energy was nurtured by where you lived. Your moods were greatly aroused by your passion to create.  It was important that you tapped into your intuition when expressing yourself. You showed great sensitivity about family members and lovers being supportive of your life endeavors. It hurt your ego when those you loved didn't pay enough attention to what mattered the most to you. When you were less bossy, people were more cooperative. When you found the self-confidence to take a risk, life often rewarded you.  Waiting too long for approval caused missed opportunities. There was a repeating pattern of a tug of war within you to satisfy yourself, coupled with a drive to make others happy.  Balancing these two tendencies helped keep you happy and healthy.


6th House: Learning skills, work environment, perfection, diet, health.
Gemini on 6th house:

You enjoyed learning in as many ways as possible, and had a deep desire to sharpen skills. Boredom you feared. You liked being as prepared as possible in order to anticipate change. Your delicate nervous system needed regular exercise to keep you mentally clear.  A proneness to a lack of concentration was a test. You were happier when trying not to be too perfect. Accepting your flaws made for happier days. Worrying about what you couldn't change did at times get the best of you. Then again, a drive toward perfection brought out your best mental intensity. Finding the balance was the key.  Heaven on earth was when you worked at careers or jobs that allowed you to operate from your highest levels of learning.


7th House: Relationships, marriage, partnerships, social awareness.
Gemini on 7th house:

People always fascinated you. You were attracted to individuals with intelligence and openness to new ideas. There was a leaning toward wanting to relate to a wide group of peers. This was due to a need for stimulation from people of various backgrounds. A gregarious nature did bring friends from many different walks of life. You tended to be more loyal to those respecting your need to think as an individual. If you did express a lack of commitment in relationships, it was your way of either rebelling or simply not wanting to be tied to one person. You felt closer to those individuals able to see the real you, reflected in your deepest thoughts. You usually possessed a keen wit. Insight into the motivations of others was by your side on numerous occasions.


8th House: Power, joint resources, rebirth, passion, self-mastery.
Taurus on 8th house:

You were involved in powerful relationships as a repeating theme. A tendency to indulge heavily in physical appetites sometimes occurred.  Learning moderation proved wise. A tenacity to force things to go your way was a trait.  A tendency to be secretive regarding money was your usual way of operating.  It was betrayals in this area that caused you to be cautious. There was a tendency to lean too heavily on others for support. You did better when not becoming overly reliant. It's just as true that people did abuse your generosity. You felt wonderful when finding individuals worthy of your trust. You showed a steady tenacity in solving problems. Compulsive desires sometimes occurred due to failed love affairs or personal lack of fulfillment. You flew high when finding inspiring outlets for a tremendous creative drive that loved to feel needed.


9th House: travel, learning, philosophy, knowledge, optimism.
Aries on 9th house:

A readiness to seek adventure colored past lives. Long distance travel was accentuated. A restless desire for learning was highlighted. Your attention span lengthened when subjects of interest truly captured your imagination. You forcefully expressed your ideas. Debating with others stimulated you. You usually made others happy when you were open to opposing viewpoints. Fighting for narrow focuses or irrational ideas distanced you from people. A passion to prove you were right brought resistance. Being happy with everyday life wasn't easy. As long as you knew change was right around the corner, you were more content.


10th House: Professions, ambition, leadership, focus, commitments.
Aquarius on 10th house::

A "Give me Liberty or give me Death" philosophy was not far from your thoughts. The roles in life you chose had an individuality theme running through them. A burning desire to keep reinventing yourself through your career was a repeating pattern. You needed a lot of latitude in work environments. Doing your own thing was preferable. Your progressive mind liked being the catalyst for change. Though the reaction to your insights wasn't always positive. If you ideas were too far out in front of your society, you were met with resistance, maybe even exile. You didn't respect authority until it proved it could be trusted. Institutions seemed to move to slow for your liking. You only were inclined to work against change if it seemed to threaten your most cherished beliefs. Stubborn ideas that were traded in for flexible ones led to new opportunities.


11th house: Goals, individuality, freedom, inventive, progressive, unique.
Capricorn on 11th house:

You approached the future with reality based thinking. Change wasn't a welcomed sight. Your feet were planted firmly in the present. You had a deep desire to preserve the past. Fighting city hall wasn't your first impulse. Though city hall couldn't get you to budge if you were determined to make a point. You trusted people with clear logic and possessing intelligence. You respected individuals with integrity. When you became too rigid in setting your goals, people did become angry. Greater flexibility made you more popular. Delayed gratification was connected to your patience. You could focus persistently on long range goals unless you became negative. Losing confidence did take some steam out of your momentum. Self-imposed restrictions on your freedom caused missed opportunities. When you acted with courage and managed to cast aside doubts, you were more successful. Your wisdom came from not repeating past mistakes. Time in your eyes was a valuable teacher.


12th house: Idealism, intuition, escape, faith, beliefs.
Sagittarius on 12th house:

You had ideals that reached to the farthest horizons.  Faith was what you relied on to get you through the tough tests. A dedication to causes was intense. You did sometimes give too much of yourself and regret it later. Reality testing helped you in ascertaining how to define your boundaries. When you went through periods of self-doubt, your way out of this maze was to travel. A search for a soul mate usually began early. You liked to share your life with a lively partner. Knowing your limitations took time. Testing fate just for the experience happened with regularity. Your ideals had to be grounded. A divine discontent did occasionally make it hard to focus on plans for long periods of time. With practice, you learned how to follow through on what people expected of you. A need for escape was a primal call from within you. Making peace with your intuitive imagination and life's demands was a lifelong process.


Planets in actuality never really move backward, but can appear to do so. This is referred to as retrograde motion, and as you will read has special past life meaning surrounding a particular planet's symbolism. The following are planets that were moving retrograde at your birth with a description as to how this played out for you in other incarnations.


Saturn retrograde:

It was a repeating pattern that you had much to learn regarding flexibility versus rigidity. These two opposites were a sore spot of contention. A tendency to get extremely focused when you enjoyed a role was a past pattern. You were happier when feeling in control of your life. Knowing when to show vulnerability and when to show a tough set of armor was wisdom indeed! Some thought you lacked ambition. What they didn't see working behind the scenes was your inner search to find professions and directions that seemed worth the effort. An inclination toward becoming a one-dimensional workaholic was a potential trap. Remembering that life was a multidimensional panorama made for happier times.  There was a need to steer clear of icebergs that brought depression and feelings of rejection.  Responding with courage to your commitments lessened your anxiety about them. It was in not letting fear keep you from the love and success you painfully wanted that you reached the highest of milestones.


Uranus Retrograde:

It was a repeating pattern that you had unique goals, reserved just for you. When you didn't do this, life lacked meaning. When you solely served your own purposes this caused quite a ruffle in the feathers of those you loved and cared about. Finding the midstream worked the best regarding these two extremes of sacrifice and doing your own thing. Your ideas sent shock waves at times when individuals or collective bodies didn't like the message. You did sometimes tap into a collective trend before it became in vogue. It did make you nervous about how you might be judged. Many ideas were kept internalized until you were sure the coast was clear and safe enough to present the notions. Were you ever more outwardly disruptive? For sure! This usually occurred when you were so aroused by injustices or thinking restrictions imposed upon you. There was a need to perceive with fore thought, which fights were worth the struggle. Being different just to be different or starting conflicts with no purpose, were ways you took many steps in the wrong direction. Listening to cues from the universe on which directions promised accelerated growth was wise. Your vision of the future was as strong as the ability to remember what gave your imagination an electrifying sensation. Patience took effort!


Hopefully you have enjoyed your tour through this report. Remember that astrology's language is a great teacher. There are many other reports that you can explore.