Stephanie Johnson's Synastry Report



for Bill Clinton and Hilary Clinton




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Astrological Summary


Chart Point Positions: Bill Clinton







The Moon





The Sun









read into 11th House




































The North Node





The South Node





The Part of Fortune







Chart Point Positions: Hilary Clinton







The Moon





The Sun













































The North Node





The South Node





The Part of Fortune







Synastry Aspects: Bill to Hilary






The Moon




The Moon




The Moon




The Moon


The North Node


The Moon


The South Node


The Sun




The Sun




The Sun




The Sun




The Sun


The North Node


The Sun


The South Node




The Sun




The Part of Fortune








The Part of Fortune












The Moon




The Sun








The Part of Fortune
















The Part of Fortune


















The South Node




The South Node




The South Node




The Part of Fortune


The Moon


The Part of Fortune


The Sun


The Part of Fortune









This report has been written to introduce you to the concepts of astrology and how to get started in relationship astrology. Astrology is a complex and meaningful science which takes years to study and apply successfully; however, we would like to whet your appetite with this report, and encourage you to deepen your understanding through other means.


Astrology is a study of the connection between planets and life on Earth. It is based on a concept that energy patterns form between other planets and Earth and that these energies affect our lives as individuals and communities.


An astrological chart, also known as a horoscope, natal chart, or birth chart, records the relationship between the planets and the signs of the Zodiac. Charts can be calculated for the birth of a person, a community, an event or anything that seems momentous. The horoscope is as individual and unique as a fingerprint.


When using these interpretations, please bear in mind that, inevitably, every chart will contain some contradictory influences, and as a result certain interpretations of different items in the same chart may seem difficult to reconcile. However, this may still be an accurate reflection your chart, as it is likely that you do experience conflicting desires, events and circumstances in your life. Usually it is the responsibility of an astrologer to synthesise these apparent contradictions in order to present a cohesive and realistic interpretation of the dilemmas of the chart.


Please also be aware of the fact that each person has positive and negative influences in the chart, and therefore in their lives. The challenge is to accept and overcome the negative influences, so that we can successfully focus on the positive traits. This report outlines the influence of both people's charts on each other. This is called relationship synastry meaning the comparison of two horoscopes and the correlations discovered. It is likely that the report will show both the strengths and weaknesses of the relationship synastry. Any advice given is meant to be an aid to a person taking responsibility for their own lives and their own choices within a relationship. The ultimate decision rests with each individual. The author and publisher accept no liability for any adverse affects of this report.


Australian astrologer Stephanie Johnson has written the text in this report. Stephanie holds a Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) and was a journalist in Australia, England and the USA for 15 years before becoming a professional astrologer. She is currently a consulting astrologer, is Company Director of Esoteric Technologies Pty Ltd in Adelaide, Australia and Editor of the Australian Data Collection. She holds the FAA Practitioners' qualification and was a former editor of the Journal of the Federation of Australian Astrologers. Stephanie has also completed the Robert Zoller Certificate in Medieval Astrology. In 2000 she was awarded an FAA Diploma for her share in the creation of the Solar Fire range of astrological software products, with partner Graham Dawson.



Individual Relating Traits


This section looks at each person's individual relationship concerns in their own personal birth chart. Every individual brings certain needs and expectations into a union, which affect his or her ability to feel loved and supported. This in turn affects the nature and course of the relationship.


Traits of Bill


Venus is in the 1st House

When the planet Venus is placed in the first house of your birth chart you've a natural inclination to express love, with a desire to make life a pleasure for yourself and other people. Whether you realise it or not you're physically attractive. This, combined with your pleasing nature, ensures that loved ones surround you. You've a calm and harmonious demeanor, and your presence seems to bring peace to any environment. You've refined tastes and an appreciation of art, music, singing, dance and theatre. You use these gifts to bring beauty to your surroundings. Through you others discover the power of beauty and love. It's even possible that you inspire the artists and poets of the world in their creative efforts. Your attraction to romance and beauty means that daily life can sometimes seem dull. At these times you need to be wary of becoming involved in love affairs, which may enliven your life for a short time, but in the long term bring hurt and disrepute. This does largely depend on other influences in your chart. It's more likely that both you and your loved ones benefit from the strength of your love.


Venus is in Libra

With Venus in the sign of Libra you enjoy the company of other people and tend to fill your life with people from all walks of life, although you do have a preference for people from the higher echelons of society. Your diary is filled with social occasions ranging from quiet chats with one or two friends, to larger gatherings of your loved ones. You've plenty of loved ones to choose from because human relationships are such a source of pleasure for you. You are kind and courteous and your enjoyment of people is contagious. As a result you're popular with your friends. Listening to other people's stories and offering soothing advice is almost second nature. You're particularly gifted at solving problems, because your first thought is to maintain harmony in relationships and you can always see both sides of a situation. Therefore you're able to bridge the gap between many a warring party. Your primary relationship is also important, and your first preference is for a long-lasting marriage based on fidelity and trust, rather than a series of shorter love affairs. It's important for you to keep the romance and enjoyment alive, otherwise you could feel trapped in an unrewarding relationship. You've a love of fine arts and enjoy sharing this with your friends and loved ones. You need only be wary of spending too much time and energy on your loved ones at the expense of yourself.


Venus is Conjunct Mars

The planets Venus and Mars are combining in your chart indicating that you seek a stimulating and romantic relationship. You're charming and assertive, passionate and alive, and admire these qualities in a potential intimate partner. You love to share your adventures with your partner, and it's likely that your relationship will inspire both you and your partner to explore new territory. You need only be wary of holding unrealistically high expectations of your partner, as this can lead to difficulties. This is more likely to be the case when you're young and idealistic. You're liable to disappointment, perhaps even angry feelings, when your partner fails to live up to your expectations. You could also feel angry if rejected in love. Fortunately you've an irrepressible side to your nature, on which you can rely in times of relationship trouble. You're a loyal and fun-loving partner with an ability to balance intimacy with independence.


Venus is Conjunct Neptune

The planets Neptune and Venus are connected in your chart indicating that you yearn for romance in your primary relationship. Whether you realise it or not, you're seeking an ideal and perfect partner, who may only exist in fairy tales. If you're not careful you'll become disillusioned with the imperfections of relationships and seek solace in a fantasy world. You need to face the realities and imperfections of yourself and your partner as much as possible. This doesn't mean that you need to completely rule out romance and idyllic love. In fact it might help if you're able to escape with your loved one to a romantic setting, away from the demands of everyday life. Coming to terms with the reality of your relationship simply helps you obtain a better understanding of your primary relationship, and helps prevent you becoming disillusioned. In other words taking off the rose-coloured glasses means that you can make a proper assessment of your primary relationship. As a result you'll experience fewer feelings of resentment and disappointment because your partner fails to be perfect, and you won't be in danger of overlooking some major flaws such as drug addiction or deceit. With the right partner you'll enjoy a sense of peace and fulfillment. You may also enjoy artistic or spiritual pursuits together. You're ardent and loving, responding quickly to your partner's need. In turn you benefit from acts of kindness, love and appreciation.


Venus is Sextile Pluto

The combination of the planets Venus and Pluto in your chart indicate that you enjoy commitment and challenge in your personal relationships. Unlike many other people, you're not afraid to make the necessary changes demanded within close relationships. In fact you prefer change, especially if the alternative is a staid and steady relationship. You like to be consumed with love and passion, and are happiest when with a partner who feels the same way. You can be disappointed when others fail to soar to great emotional heights and plummet the emotional depths by your side. You want intensity, perhaps even a little drama, in your primary relationship. You're fiercely loyal and committed, and expect as much from your partner. Problems can arise when you don't feel a strong bond with your partner, or if a third partner threatens your relationship. You're a jealous person, and quite capable of seeking revenge when wronged. You need to be careful to choose the right person as your primary partner - someone who reciprocates your love and passion. Otherwise you can waste a lot of time and energy trying to make a doomed relationship work. You may also benefit from directing some of your energy into an all-consuming project, such as fighting for human rights or an intensely creative pursuit.


Traits of Hilary


Venus is in the 5th House

When the planet Venus is placed in the fifth house of your birth chart, relationships with children are important. You've a gift for enjoying life's pleasurable pastimes; possessing an almost child-like sense of awe at all the world has to offer in the way of fun and beauty. You delight in social interactions and value outings to art galleries, the theatre, musical concerts and ballet performances. This joyful side of your nature is highly appealing, and you're never short of a playmate or two to join in your escapades. Children, in particular, warm to your engaging nature somehow sensing a kindred spirit. Therefore you're likely to be surrounded by children throughout your life, either your own or other people's. Depending on other influences in your birth chart, you're likely to enjoy a fruitful union resulting in beautiful children. Love affairs also feature in your life, providing you with much pleasure and perhaps some creative inspiration.


Venus is in Scorpio

With Venus in the sign of Scorpio you're ardent and passionate in your primary relationship, and insist that your partner returns the intensity of your emotions. You're likely to enjoy the heights of passion if your love is matched in its intensity, finding yourself thrust into a world of almost painful pleasure. Sensual pleasure is important to you, although you also like to discover your partner's innermost thoughts and feelings. Problems can occur when your love isn't returned, or if your partner can't keep the intense fires of passion burning. Then you're likely to suffer the depths of despair, perhaps even resorting to manipulation in order to keep your partner's attention.  Secret liaisons could play a part in your relationships, either your own or your partner's, particularly if the intensity becomes too claustrophobic. Jealousy and thoughts of vengeance can be a problem, although you would be wise not to give in to follow these avenues. Your challenge is to use your resources to find a middle path between the highs and lows of intense emotions within relationships. Your relationships can then flourish as important resources in your life. At some stage in your life you may benefit financially or through a legacy from an important relationship.


Venus is Square Mars

The planets Venus and Mars are combining unfavourably in your chart indicating that you struggle to balance your own needs and the needs of your partners in relationships. You seesaw between wanting closeness and freedom. On the one hand you seek adventure on your own, on the other you want to be close to your partner. The ideal is a balance between the two. You're charming and assertive, passionate and alive, and admire these qualities in a potential intimate partner. You love to share your adventures with your partner, and it's likely that your relationship will inspire both you and your partner to explore new territory. However, you may become impatient with your partner, or aggressive and irritable when he or she fails to keep up with your activities. You can be equally impatient with yourself, but this isn't necessarily any comfort to your partner.


Venus is Square Saturn

The planets Venus and Saturn have combined in your chart indicating that you have difficulty in intimate relationships. You seek commitment and security in your primary relationship. Its possible for you to have a rewarding, long-term relationship with someone trustworthy and reliable, but it's likely to be after initial setbacks and upsets. You're faithful and loyal, a dependable, stable and dutiful partner. However, you need to be wary of becoming involved with someone who tries to control your movements and behaviour. Depending on other influences in your chart you may be shy and inhibited in your personal relationships, and be fearful of standing up for your rights. One of your parents may have been too strict, eroding your confidence and ability to make your own way in the world. Consequently you fear expressing yourself, particularly in intimate relationships, and harbour feelings of being unattractive. While your personal relationships may prove difficult you've the ability to form good business partnerships. This is probably because business partners don't require intimacy or emotional vulnerability. It's also possible that you're attracted to someone much older. The good news is that once you overcome your feelings of inadequacy you've the ability to form secure and long-lasting personal relationships based on firm foundations. You may favour a traditional marital relationship, complete with a ceremony and wedding vows.



Synastry Between Bill and Hilary


Personal Issues


This section looks at the interaction between two people and their two birth charts. It notes the nature of the relationship, whether it is likely to be a successful personal relationship or whether the forces at work are suggesting a less intimate bond. In other words how do these two people come together on a intimate level?


Bill's Moon is Opposite Hilary's Mercury (Orb 1°00')

Arguments can cause upset feelings in a relationship with this combination of planets. All types of associations can suffer some setbacks under this influence, but personal relationships are particularly fraught with difficulties. Friction seems to result no matter how Bill and Hilary try to approach each other on intimate matters. Bill and Hilary's relationship suffers because of unspoken problems, or perhaps either Bill or Hilary speaks their mind too often. Either way the problem is communication. No matter how hard both Bill and Hilary try they cannot seem to understand each other's way of seeing things and how each other feels. Misunderstandings occur when Bill expresses her feelings. Hilary thinks that Bill is expressing thoughts and ideas and is ready for a good discussion. Bill feels misunderstood. As a result Bill and Hilary alternate between passion and rationality, having difficulty understanding the other person. Bill and Hilary's behaviour seems at odds with their needs, and they do not seem to be able to comfortably settle down in the relationship. On a more positive note Bill and Hilary may not mind a little friction in their intimate relationship. However, it's more likely that Bill and Hilary would both do well to work on their communication skills. As a result Bill and Hilary can develop skills which help to overcome the problems enabling them to better understand each other.


Bill's Moon is Opposite Hilary's Venus (Orb 3°27')

When planets combine unfavourably in personal relationships it can produce either sparks, which excite both parties, or friction. Either way a challenge is presented which needs to be met in order to succeed in the long term. With this combination Bill and Hilary have difficulty expressing their feelings and often feel misunderstood by each other. Bill and Hilary have trouble relaxing and feeling at ease with each other. There is a lack of harmony that troubles them. Bill and Hilary sometimes feel that they are battling to find shared activities that they can both enjoy. In extreme cases they may feel that they are fighting against the other person's involvement with an absorbing pastime. Or perhaps they feel that their partner stands in the way of them really enjoying their own pleasurable pursuits. No matter how much Bill and Hilary want to enjoy themselves, their partner seems to be standing in opposition, or determined to do their own thing. Depending on other aspects of their relationship and the nature of the combination of these planets, this can be a real problem. It's also likely that they have difficulty deciding how to save and spend their money. Bill is likely to feel some insecurity in the relationship. Hilary is likely to feel that the Bill's feelings and insecurities are holding her back from relating to other people and the world in the way that she wants. On a more positive note this combination can add a spark to life and keep Bill and Hilary willing to resolve difficulties to a satisfactory conclusion.


Bill's Sun is Square Hilary's Mercury (Orb 4°40')

The importance of communication in relationships cannot be emphasised enough. Without understanding of another person's point of view and the ability to communicate one's own thoughts and feelings a relationship can easily breakdown. This is a difficult combination for communications in a relationship. Bill and Hilary have difficulty understanding each other's point of view. They cannot communicate their thoughts and feelings easily. Consequently Bill and Hilary have trouble being together and a certain tension exists in the relationship. Bill needs to be wary of having too much pride, of trying to override Hilary's views through sheer force of personality. Bill takes a superior attitude to Hilary, which proves detrimental in the long run. Hilary feels misunderstood, knowing that her ideas are so different to Bill's. There is a danger that Hilary starts keeping her thoughts to herself thereby blocking any chance of communications improving. As long as both Bill and Hilary continue to try to overcome these obstacles then their union has a chance for success. They may find it of benefit to take time out and write down their thoughts and feelings during times of stress rather than speaking on the spur of the moment.


Primary Forces


In addition to the intimate aspect of a relationship, there are usually a number of fundamental driving forces, which can be either major challenges or inspirations to the individuals involved. This section looks at how Bill and Hilary stimulate and provoke each other.


Hilary's Moon is Trine Bill's Saturn (Orb 2°56')

A connection between the planet Saturn and the Moon is important. Saturn is the planet of commitment and stability and is often found in relationships that are long lasting. In other words a serious planet such as Saturn is needed for a serious, meaningful union. Hilary and Bill are satisfied with the relationship and are willing to persist through troubled times realising that the rewards are great. A satisfying long-term relationship results from their patience and persistence. Together Hilary and Bill are somewhat reserved, perhaps even withdrawing a little from society to enjoy the benefits of their relationship. They are aware that their relationship is one of the most important building blocks in their lives. There is maturity in this relationship. Perhaps Hilary and Bill have formed this relationship later in life when they can truly appreciate each other and the life that they are building together. Hilary feels that Bill is offering security and maturity, enabling her to mature in her emotional and home life. Bill grows in self-esteem through this relationship, believing that Hilary respects his integrity. On the whole this is a positive combination for an enduring, long-term relationship such as marriage.


Bill's Moon is Conjunct Hilary's North Node (Orb 3°14')

Both the Moon and the Nodes individually are significant in relationship astrology. The combination of the Moon and the Nodes indicates that this is an important personal relationship, one that changes the course of Bill's life and deeply affects Hilary.  Bill and Hilary feel strongly drawn to each other, perhaps experiencing a sense that their relationship was written in the stars. In other words they may feel as though they were destined to meet and form a union. Whether the path of this relationship is smooth or rough, Bill and Hilary's paths were meant to cross. The nature of this association depends largely on other aspects of Bill and Hilary's charts. Passion may ignite if the right ingredients are involved, or friendship may be most appropriate choice of relationship.


Bill's Moon is Square Hilary's Saturn (Orb 1°02')

Many astrologers believe that a connection between the serious planet Saturn and a personal planet such as the Moon is important, enabling the relationship to be long lasting. However, this can also be a difficult connection. Bill and Hilary can both suffer from feelings of discontent and insecurity within this union. They work hard to cover up their sense that some emotional warmth is lacking, but there are times when they despair of getting their needs met. Bill feels this lack of emotional warmth keenly. It is difficult for him to relax and feel truly appreciated in this relationship. Hilary brings a certain coldness to the union, finding it difficult to generate emotional warmth. Hilary may feel that her attempts at intimacy are misunderstood and met with an overly-emotional reaction from Bill. Much work needs to be done in order to understand each other. On a positive note this combination of planets can indicate a committed to resolve difficulties. Therefore Bill and Hilary have the strong possibility of being able to stay in this relationship on a long-term basis and reap the rewards of a stable and secure union. A satisfying relationship can result from Bill's and Hilary's patience and persistence.


Bill's Sun is Conjunct Hilary's Saturn (Orb 4°39')

Many astrologers believe that a connection between the serious planet Saturn and a personal planet such as the Sun is important, providing the cement for a long-lasting relationship. In other words a serious planet is needed for a serious, meaningful union such as marriage. It is certainly true that the combination of the Sun and Saturn is found in many, meaningful relationships. However, the harmful planet Saturn can also cause problems. The extent of the problems varies according to the astrological aspect. Certainly this combination indicates that Bill and Hilary both view this as a serious association, whether it is a marriage, friendship or a working partnership. Both Bill and Hilary are committed to their association. It is likely that they experienced a strong attraction in the initial stages of their relationship, and it is likely to be long lasting. When Bill and Hilary first meet they each know they have discovered a potential serious relationship, one to which they can commit and build on over a lifetime. If they believe in reincarnation, then it is likely that they feel a karmic attraction, a moment of recognition when they first look into the other person's eyes. However, the very qualities, which they seriously considered as attractive in the initial stages of the relationship, can become the source of friction if they are not careful. In particular, Hilary needs to be wary of becoming too critical and judgmental. Initially Hilary found Bill's personality traits to be worthy of a committed union. She admired Bill's qualities as complementing her own. However, it is easy for Hilary to forget this attraction. As the relationship develops she feels threatened by the force of Bill's personality and takes a superior attitude in defence. As a result Bill feels threatened, disliking the authoritarian side of Hilary. If Bill is not careful his self-confidence is whittled away and the relationship becomes onerous. It is vital that both Bill and Hilary work at developing a stable basis for communication and understanding in this relationship. If both Bill and Hilary work at maintaining their own self-confidence as well as mutual respect then they have the makings for a very successful marriage or working relationship. If this is the case they both benefit from the stability offered by this union, growing in integrity in their own lives.


Bill's Sun is Sextile Hilary's Uranus (Orb 0°04')

This is a relationship full of verve and romance. Bill and Hilary are attracted to each other from the moment that they first meet and continue to experience excitement and joy in each other's company. The relationship brings something new and original into Bill's and Hilary's lives and they both feel enlivened as a result. Life becomes more of an adventure when Bill and Hilary are together. Their relationship may run a somewhat erratic or unorthodox course, but Bill and Hilary are both happy in the knowledge that theirs is a unique union. Bill is excited by Hilary's creativity, which somehow enhances his personal goals. Hilary helps Bill to see life in a new and different manner, freeing Bill from past inhibitions. Hilary knows that she has encountered someone who truly appreciates her as an individual. Hilary can better express her original thoughts and ideas as a result of her relationship with Bill. Together Bill and Hilary may explore an unusual hobby or pastime such as new technology, metaphysics, science, electronics, humanitarian or environmental concerns.


Bill's Sun is Square Hilary's Jupiter (Orb 4°36')

The Sun and the favourable planet Jupiter are combining, suggesting that this relationship is blessed with good fortune and a happiness in the short term; however, a long-term relationship may be fraught with insecurities. Initially Bill and Hilary feel a strong sense of togetherness, sharing many new and varied activities. Both Bill and Hilary feel that the other person is contributing positively to their lives. They feel more alive within this union. Gradually the excitement wears off and they become aware that they have very different philosophies on life. Whereas once Bill felt that his life purpose was expanded by the forward moving energy of Hilary, now he feels that Hilary doesn't know when to stop. He becomes aware that Hilary's values are very different and that this is hindering his ability to express his full potential. Hilary was once excited by the strength of Bill's purpose in life. However, now Hilary feels that her path is being blocked by Bill's stubborn personality. This combination brings benefits to the couple in the first throes of the relationship, but it is going to take work to maintain the relationship. The long-term success of this association depends on other connections between Bill and Hilary.


Hilary's Sun is Square Bill's Saturn (Orb 0°40')

Many astrologers believe that a connection between the serious planet Saturn and a personal planet such as the Sun is important, providing the cement for a long-lasting relationship. In other words, a serious planet is needed for a serious, meaningful union such as marriage. It is certainly true that the combination of the Sun and Saturn is found in many meaningful relationships. However, the planet Saturn can also cause problems. Certainly this combination indicates that Hilary and Bill both view this as a serious association, whether it is a marriage, friendship or a working partnership. Both Hilary and Bill are committed to their association. It is likely that they experienced a strong attraction in the initial stages of their relationship. When Hilary and Bill first met they each knew they had discovered a potential serious relationship, one to which they could commit and build on over a lifetime. If they believe in reincarnation, then it is likely that they felt a karmic attraction when they first met. Perhaps this was a moment of recognition when they first looked into the other person's eyes. However, the very qualities, which they seriously considered as attractive in the initial stages of the relationship, can become the source of friction if they are not careful. In particular, Bill needs to be wary of becoming too critical and judgmental. Initially Bill found Hilary's personality traits to be worthy of a committed union. He admired Hilary's qualities as complementing his own. However, it is easy for Bill to forget this attraction. As the relationship develops he feels threatened by the force of Hilary's personality and takes a superior attitude in defence. As a result Hilary feels threatened, disliking the authoritarian side of Bill. If Hilary is not careful her self-confidence is whittled away and the relationship becomes onerous. It is vital that both Hilary and Bill work at developing a stable basis for communication and understanding in this relationship. If both Hilary and Bill work at maintaining their own self-confidence as well as mutual respect then they have the makings for a very successful marriage or working relationship. Much of their success may depend on other supportive, positive connections between them.


Bill's Sun is Square Hilary's North Node (Orb 2°26')

Destiny plays a strong role in Bill and Hilary's relationship. There is an instant attraction, a spark that ignites the feelings of both Bill and Hilary. However, fate can be a cruel mistress. This relationship is fraught with problems that Bill and Hilary find difficult to understand and solve. In particular Hilary feels that his light is hidden under bushel. She struggles to express her true self. Perhaps Hilary owes Bill a favour that seems never to be full repaid or may Hilary has an inexplicable sense of responsibility for Bill. Whatever the scenario both Bill and Hilary face certain challenges before reaching a full understanding of this union.


Bill's Mercury is Square Hilary's Chiron (Orb 4°44')

This is a difficult combination of the planet Mercury and the asteroid Chiron. Bill and Hilary have difficulty communicating in a manner that is rewarding. Instead they seem to hurt each other's feelings through saying the wrong thing. In particular Hilary seems to upset Bill. The problem is that old hurtful memories surface in this relationship. Bill and Hilary have subconsciously attracted each other in order to learn valuable life lessons, but the journey is not smooth. Bill is particularly sensitive to the words used by Hilary, and has difficulty listening with emotional calm. Bill may accuse Hilary of being insensitive and uncaring; however, Hilary feels wrongfully accused. She genuinely struggles to find a better way of communicating what she means. These misunderstandings could lead to a breakdown in the relationship, or they could finally result in a better understanding of themselves and each other. Either way compassion is a key ingredient to successfully overcoming past hurts and developing loving communication.


Bill's Venus is Conjunct Hilary's Neptune (Orb 0°14')

Romance is the key theme of this combination of planets. Bill and Hilary feel that they have met their one true love under the influence of the planets Venus and Neptune. They meet, fall in love and create a union brimming with romance, joy and idyllic love. Whether or not this idyll lasts depends on other aspects of the association. During the course of their union they are able to interact in a loving and creative manner. It's also possible that Bill and Hilary participate in a joint creative and imaginative pursuit, inspiring each other to stretch their artistic talents. Perhaps Bill and Hilary follow a spiritual path together. Bill is particularly attracted to Hilary's artistic and altruistic nature. He appreciates all of the qualities that Hilary brings to their relationship. In response Hilary feels that Bill's support enables her talents to blossom. While this attraction is more likely to involve the love and devotion associated with a strong bond such as marriage, it can also depict a creative, artistic or spiritual working partnership.


Hilary's Venus is Square Bill's Pluto (Orb 4°59')

This is a powerful combination of planets indicating a strong bond, whether in a friendship, love union or work association. Hilary and Bill experience a compelling attraction to each other, one that easily becomes passionate and intense. Depending on the nature of the relationship, Hilary and Bill could easily end up in bed together. Positively they are transformed by this relationship, becoming more influential and powerful in their own lives, even if initially they have to overcome moments of feeling powerless. However, they also experience intense emotional battles as the passionate nature of the union becomes difficult to control. If Hilary and Bill are in a romantic liaison, these emotional struggles can overflow into the bedroom adversely affecting sexual relations. It is also possible that this combination of planets indicates a love affair that is intense and fraught with emotional problems. While both Hilary and Bill experience the tension, Hilary feels more overwhelmed. She may even feel bullied by the strong personality of Bill. Hilary finds it difficult to live her life effectively while in this relationship. Bill struggles to understand Hilary and becomes impatient, wanting her to be more assertive. Bill doesn't realise how domineering he appears to be. The challenge for both Hilary and Bill is to direct their passion in a positive direction, possibly a shared artistic or creative pursuit.


Hilary's Mars is Conjunct Bill's Pluto (Orb 2°24')

This combination of the stormy planets Mars and Pluto indicates a passionate and compelling union. The atmosphere is explosive when Hilary and Bill get together. Sexual energy seems to simmer barely under control. Both Hilary and Bill need to be wary of letting the force of their heated emotions build up. They need a positive outlet for all of their pent-up energy whether this be a challenging home renovation project or a regular work-out at the gym. Together Hilary and Bill feel able to conquer the world and are certainly a power to be reckoned with. The initial stages of the relationship are fraught with sexual tension, but the union may not be an intimate one. Rather it may be a partnership committed to hard work and a challenging project. Either way as the relationship develops, the strong and creative force of both Hilary and Bill takes over and can be directed into a mutually satisfying project. In other words Hilary and Bill can be passionate about each other or they can direct their passion into an external activity. Either way this is a dynamic and explosive relationship.


Bill's Jupiter is Sextile Hilary's Saturn (Orb 1°52')

A strong bond is formed as a result of this combination of the planets Jupiter and Saturn, in which both Bill and Hilary learn a great deal from each other. In many ways Bill and Hilary take an opposing approach to their relationship. Bill is more adventurous, keen to explore new territories. He takes a somewhat philosophical approach to this relationship. On the other hand Hilary is cautious, often taking a slower and more practical outlook. Fortunately they enjoy these opposing qualities, finding equilibrium in their relationship. Hilary finds her day enlivened by Bill's personality. In turn Bill enjoys having a stable and patient companion to bounce his ideas off. Hilary learns much from Bill's wisdom, gaining a greater understanding of her own nature. Together Bill and Hilary can achieve much success in either their personal lives or a joint project.


Bill's Jupiter is Trine Hilary's Uranus (Orb 2°41')

Spiritual and philosophical interests could be at the centre of this relationship. Bill and Hilary enjoy a meeting the meeting of two minds. They are excited by each other's innovative ideas, perhaps sharing a common creative project. Their relationship follows an erratic course, but they are both happy with the stimulation and excitement. They enjoy a non-orthodox association, spurning a more traditional one. A wide range of subjects crop up in conversations including philosophy, science, religion, metaphysics, technology, world cultures, environmental science and world politics, to name a few. Bill and Hilary spend much of their time together pursuing their common interests and learning from each other. Bill experiences a broadening of his intellectual concepts through his association with Hilary. He delights in the challenges that this ever-changing relationship provides. Hilary is excited by Bill's keen intere