Accuracy in Prediction: Using Solar Arcs and Midpoint Pictures

by Noel Tyl


     The prediction technique of solar arcs is resourceful and powerful. It is based on concepts of primary directions formulated by Ptolemy early in the second century, but this technique, refined over centuries, is much simpler. The system of solar arcs takes prediction potentials well beyond the main limitation of secondary progressions, i.e., the minimal progressed movement of the planets beyond Mars.



The Principle of Solar Arcs


     There are two principles in solar arc interpretation. The first is to personalize the general degree-for-a-year (i.e., day-for-a-year) symbolism that is the backbone of secondary progressions (and which intrigued European astrologers for hundreds of years, especially since the late sixteenth century). The second is to use that symbolism throughout the entire natal horoscope.

The ultimate refinement of the system as we know it today uses the exact arc of the Sun from the birth position to the secondary progressed position in the birthday month of any given year of life and applies it to every planet, the ascendant, midheaven, and lunar nodal axis in the birth horoscope. A new, thoroughly dynamic progressed horoscope is created!



The Exact, Personalized Solar Arc


     Using the secondary progressed Sun position as the benchmark focus for a symbolic projection into the future allows this prediction system to capture and use the individual's actual rate of natal Sun motion, as opposed to using a one-degree projection or an average (Naibod) for all horoscopes regardless of whether the natal Sun's motion is in fact fast (a winter birth) or slow (a summer birth).

     The "magic" of the system takes place when this exact, personalized solar arc increment is added to the position of every natal significator; the natal horoscope is uniformly progressed in terms of the symbolically developing Sun, and new, telling aspects are formed between the solar arc positions and the natal positions (the planets and the angles).



What the Computer Program Does


     The computer does all the computations, of course, but the Matrix Solar Arc Prediction Package also annotates every direct solar arc (solar arc planet in relation to natal angle or other planet or solar arc angle to natal angle) and every midpoint picture occurring in any horoscope at any time in the past or future!

     The measurements are made precisely, and a text-image of what the arc-picture suggests is presented in the printout. It is as easy as reading the newspaper to see, literally, years at a glance, punctuated by the arcs of major change and the behavioral nuance before and after. So quickly, the power of solar arcs is personalized and translated into modern behavioral potentials.

The computer program gives a monthly reference for all relevant predictive arcs.



The Square-Family Aspects


     Solar arc theory only uses aspects within the square family: the conjunction, semisquare, square, sesquiquadrate, and opposition. The theory is that squares (and all related aspects) "make things happen" while other aspects keep things as they are. The relationship of solar arc planets to natal planets and angles is not necessarily defined in terms of the quality of aspect (although conjunction, opposition, and square seem stronger than semisquare and sesquiquadrate); it is the contact that is important, and this contact is expressed in terms of a simple equation. For example: SA saturn=venus/pluto. This particular equation means that solar arc Uranus forms a square-family aspect with natal Mars, which suggests the sudden application of great energy, the exercising of dominant will; a disruption through feud or combat; an accident. The interpretation has to be adjusted to fit the individual's reality situation at the time of the occurrence.

     Solar arc theory also extends to solar arc aspects with midpoints between planets; 858 are possible! For example: SA saturn=venus/pluto which means that solar arc Saturn is conjunct, semisquare, square, sesquiquadrate, or opposed the natal Venus-Pluto midpoint (whatever the distance between those planets may be). This aspect suggests the fear of losing love, and during the month of the occurrence there is a sense of the tragedy that is possible.

     Another example: SA mercury=Jupiter/neptune. This is solar arc Mercury forming a square-family aspect with the midpoint of Jupiter and Neptune in the natal chart, which suggests an active imagination, learning to communicate fancifully; visualization; changing character; inspiration.

     Direct Solar Arcs dominate; the "heavier" planetary equations are the more significant; and all solar arc projections must be framed within the individual's reality situation and potentials.



Arc, Transits, and "Time Orbs"


     Arcs become background blueprints of developmental growth. Transits then become the accents that "set off" the potentials of the developing horoscope at any given period of time. For example, transits of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto define large periods of time, focused on particular concerns suggested by their slow passage through any given house. When an aspect "connection" is made with natal planets in the given house or elsewhere, the structure of life is affected in terms of that given house and the house ruled by the transiting planet.

     These effects synchronize with solar arc development, often amazingly. There may be four or more solar arc "pictures" coming into focus within a four-month span of life time, and two major transits click into the sequence, timing and specifying the potential occurrence or reaction in life.

     Margaret Thatcher, for example, had SA Saturn=MC in June 1990, certainly a signal for career attention during that period. Then, five months later: SA mars=Pluto.ASC­, upset and change; and then, in January 1991: SA saturn=sun, certainly suggesting a major professional change and tension with one's "place in the Sun."

     These very strong background solar arcs cast a Time Orb over a period of some seven months. Transiting Pluto became the slow trigger, stationary on Thatcher's ascendant for a month in July 1990 at the beginning of the solar arc Time Orb period. Other transits started to come into play; the die was cast; reality was alerted to the potential for change; Thatcher resigned as Prime Minister of England; history continued. Solar arcs and transits had measured the entire process eloquently and, indeed, also gave testimony of Thatcher's future beyond her resignation. Arcs never stop forming!



Getting the "Feel" for Solar Arcs


    Let's say you have a strong planet in a cadent house (12th, 3rd, 6th, or 9th), heading for an angle (counterclockwise, of course). Count the degree-distance that planet has to go to cross that next angle. As a generalization, let the number of degrees be "years" of your life and take into account in a general way the number of minutes of distance, with five minutes of arc equaling one month of time. Think of what occurred in your life at that time of angle-conjunction and relate it to the nature of the arcing planet, the angle, and the house ruled by the arcing planet.

    If you were very young, still living through your parents' lives, perhaps there were important changes in family life due to changes in their lives, or nothing at all. If you were out on your own, you should be able to zero in on major developments in your process of becoming.



The Outer Planets Arcing


    Pluto arcing to conjunction with an angle will be most powerful: a tremendous adjustment of life perspective. Neptune arcs to angles will often correspond with a loss of ego definition, impressionability, and wandering off the track. With Uranus, sudden fractious change; with Saturn, a maturation through change under pressure for strategic growth.

    At the midheaven, a job can be at issue or, for a youngster, certainly something that affects the family through one of the   parents. At the seventh cusp, relationships take on dramatic emphasis for adults or, again for the young, through the parents' jobs, since the seventh cusp is the midheaven of the parent in the 10th house. At the fourth cusp, there is undeniably a whole new beginning. At the ascendant, there usually is a personal challenge to stand up and be counted in some way that undeniably touches the rest of life.



Planet-to-Planet Arcs


    A second projection possibility is to advance any planet into a powerful new relationship with a natal planet, again counting the degrees/minutes of distance and calling them years, as a general time approximation. For example, Sun arcing to conjunction with Venus or Venus arcing to conjunction with the Sun: If this arc occurred in early adult years, it usually corresponds to a time of romance, marriage, or a birth. The square, opposition, or conjunction between solar arc Pluto and natal Saturn, or solar arc Saturn to natal Pluto, usually marks a period of painful loss, of losing prior to renewal (a most difficult time). The house ruled by the arcing planet most often fills out the interpretation.



Summer and Winter Births


    When using the degree-for-a-year generalization, summer births will require (over a span of about 30 years of life) about one more year of life to complete the arc symbolism than the number of degrees measured to form the solar arc aspect. Winter births will be right on the money!

    But don't be concerned with these technicalities: The Matrix Solar Arc Prediction Package takes care of the measurements. Then, working with Tyl's images, you can take your clients into the future!



About Noel Tyl's Book


    Prediction in Astrology has been called "the most complete presentation of solar arc theory and practice ever written in English." It can be purchased from Llewellyn Publications by calling 1-800-THE MOON.

    Solar arcs are taught extensively in Europe. This predictive method has not had full exposure by any means in the United States. Noel Tyl, the prominent American astrologer, has been deeply involved with astrological teaching on both continents for some 20 years and, in his latest book, Prediction in Astrology (Llewellyn Publications), he has provided astrologers the most complete presentation of solar arc theory and practice ever written in English.

    Tyl's book and his lectures show how simple and yet how dramatic solar arcs are, and Tyl shows how interpretations are derived. Basically, the sense of the planets brought together in square-family aspects by solar arc projection is the same as those same planets making aspects with each other by transit. Within midpoint pictures, of course, the synthesis involves three points of reference. While there are many nuances in such dynamic interaction, the relationships are ever so clear in interpretation. Full details of the entire subject of solar arcs are presented in Tyl's Prediction in Astrology, and his interpretive images for all possible solar arcs (based on the formative work with solar arcs done some 50 years ago by Rheinhold Ebertin) are presented in the Matrix Solar Arc Prediction Package.

    In this day and age, in any astrological interpretive or systemic discussion, we must always acknowledge the computer, what it can do accurately, time after time after time: it gives results. The rest of the job is up to the astrologer. The Matrix Solar Arc Prediction Package takes Noel Tyl's interpretive work and presents the results to you for your study and application. The interpretations will be instantly clear to you; the words used in the interpretive images are modern and to the point, backed up by Tyl's vast experience; and the power of solar arcs as a predictive technique is yours at the press of a button!




 Solar Arc Pictures for Drew Barrymore                          Jul 01, 2020 to Jul 01, 2002
 Feb 22, 2020 11:51:00 AM PST 118W23'44" 034N01'16


2000 Jul 02           Me Sqq Ur/Pl                   Intense thought activity; new ideas, new plans, all for a new personal perspective; forcing individuality into focus.

2000 Jul 29           Ju Ssq Me/Ve                  Expansive idealization; perhaps religiousness; aesthetics; publishing; artistic achievement.

2000 Aug 08        Ma Sqr Ur/No                  Tremendous energy and tension; having an axe to grind and gaining support.

2000 Aug 18        Ju Sqr Su/No                    Public recognition; associations with the wealthy or international; positive legal involvements; good fortune.

2000 Aug 25        Mo Opp Su/Ma                Awareness of relationship dynamics in balance with individual needs; the feminine influence; thoughts for marriage.

2000 Aug 26        No Cnj Ju/Pl                     Working together with others for success.

2000 Nov 02        Su Cnj Ve                         Romance; love relationship; illumination of one's sense of beauty; aesthetics; marriage; birth.

2000 Nov 06        Me Ssq Mo/Ma               Nervousness; being irritable; worrisome preoccupations.

2000 Dec 05        Mo Cnj Pl/As                   Strong reaction to stimuli; emotional eruption.

2000 Dec 12        Me Sqr No                       Exchanging ideas with others.

2000 Dec 25        Mc Ssq Me                      Having one's point of view clarified or recognized.

2001 Jan 11          Mc Sqq Ne/Pl                   Profit through the occult or the spiritual; recognition of idiosyncrasies.

2001 Jan 30          Ve Sqq Mo/Ur                  Excitability of emotions; sudden sexual activities; artistic creativity.

2001 Mar 11        Ma Cnj Me/Mc               Making a decision about where one stands, usually with regard to the profession or one's social position.

2001 Mar 25        Ur Sqr Mo/Pl                    Possible nervous crisis; intensity that can get out of hand; tremendous projection of self is possible; identification with the world; sudden upsets.

2001 Apr 14         As Cnj Mo/Sa                  A reserved self-presentation.

2001 Apr 19         Mo Sqq Ve                       Love and sensitivity.

2001 May 11        Ju Sqr Ne/Mc                  Dreaming, hoping, feeling sure somehow that all will be well.

2001 May 30        Ju Opp Ur/Pl                    Enormous success potential.

2001 May 31        Su Sqr Ma/No                  Good cooperation dynamics; good blending of energies with others.

2001 Jun 18          Su Opp Mo/Ne                 A delicate relationship; the man trying to support the woman; illuminated aesthetics; the importance of the spirit.

2001 Jul 16           Ne Cnj Me/No                 Confusion about how to fit into the group.

2001 Jul 23           Sa Sqr Mo/Mc                 Sobering experiences affect the emotional life; greater efficiency; depressing longing.

2001 Aug 24        Mc Ssq Mo/Su                 Ego fulfillment in relationship; marriage.

2001 Oct 04         Ju Cnj Mo/Ma                 Principles; justified actions.

2001 Oct 28         No Cnj Ma/Ne                 Sense of suspicion in associations.

2001 Nov 04        Pl Sqr Ve/Ne                    Extremely emotional; sexual needs pack a primal punch.

2001 Nov 09        Ju Sqq No                         Good relationships, profitable associations; "connections."

2001 Nov 15        Mo Sqq Ma/No                Emotional attitude toward others shows and leads activity.

2001 Nov 24        As Opp Ve/Ur                  A projection of sexiness; artistic temperament.

2002 Jan 02          Sa Sqr Ve/As                    Tightening up the budget; pulling back the affections; being known as frugal, tight.

2002 Feb 03         No Cnj Su/Ur                    Meeting unusual or intense people; quick new associations.

2002 Feb 05         Ve Cnj Me/Sa                  Frustration in romance; fickleness; needing reassurance.

2002 Feb 13         Ur Sqr Mc                        An extraordinary time of life; probable reorganization of family life in the early home; dramatic adjustment of job status as an adult; change of profession possible; sudden change of direction in practically every department of life; individuality reigns; geographic relocation.

2002 Feb 15         Sa Sqq Ju                         Control tempers zeal; opportunities are carefully evaluated; success takes on long term security; one has "made it happen"; strategy.

2002 Feb 22         Ne Sqq Mo/Ve                 Dreaminess; fantasies about love, the erotic; possible misdirection of love; being duped.

2002 Mar 03        Ve Cnj Su/As                    Affections; love of others; peace.

2002 Mar 05        Pl Opp Sa/Mc                   Great demands; fear of loss; the grand struggle.

2002 Mar 24        Ne Sqr Pl                          The supernatural; other realms seem to be involved with life's occurrences; unusual problems; peculiar experiences; possible concerns about death matters; creative enterprise.

2002 Mar 24        Ma Sqr Ve/Sa                  Driving a wedge into relationship harmony; wanting more than is there; fearing competition; disputes; possible separation.

2002 Mar 29        Su Sqr Sa/As                    Taking responsibility squarely into one's life plan; strategizing personal freedom; making something happen through hard work; overtaxing body health system.

2002 Apr 10         Me Opp Sa/Ur                 Demands on nervous energy; decisions to be made about doing things a new way; necessary stages of rethinking.

2002 Apr 29         As Sqq Ma/Pl                   Showing the hero image; the fighter who dares the impossible; aggression.

2002 May 29        Su Sqr Ur/Mc                   Strong illumination of individuality; getting what one deserves; unrest; eagerness for achievement; nervous drive.

2002 May 30        Ur Sqq Me/As                  Impetuous opinionation can irk others; being critical.

2002 Jun 04          No Sqq Ju/Sa                   Working well with others; being just with others.

2002 Jun 11          Ne Ssq Ma/Ju                  Imagining success; letting reality get away; being near a mistaken course of action.