TCIcons.gif (6047 bytes) This is the Time Cycles Research Program Group.

Most of the icons represent a different program. 

Others are utility folders which install when you load  certain programs.


When you first enter Io Edition, the main calculator program this is the screen you open. It is where you choose the file and/or chart you want to work with.


Now you can create a new chart or bring up an old chart.


TCChartFiles.gif (9109 bytes) When you first enter the transit section of Io Edition, IO Transit Pro or any of the report interpreters this is the screen you open. It is where you choose the file and/or chart you want to work with.


When working in Transit Pro (a part of IO Edition) or any report interpreter you open the birth data or put in new data here.

When you own the IO Atlas you just fill in the city and state (or country) of birth and click on atlas. Then the empty boxes for latitude and longitude automatically get filled. Also the correct time zone information is calculated.