Page 1.......Introduction

Page 2......About PRO VERSION 2.0
PRO VERSION does not include all The LIMITED EDITION Series Sets, FONTICS and the Frames & Templates of the SIGNATURE Sets (all these categories are listed on the price list on the last page 12) 

Page 3.......About The LIMITED EDITION Series Sets with 
Butterfly, Country and Crusades

Page 4.......More LIMITED EDITION Series Sets
Navaho, New Orleans, Night Magic, and Omega

Page 5.......More LIMITED EDITION Series Sets
I Ching, Island, Menagerie, and Mystic

Page 6.......More LIMITED EDITION Series Sets
Exotica, Falling Star and Haiku

Page 7......More LIMITED EDITION Series Sets
Primitive, Reck'Tangle, Renaissance, and Rune

Page 8.......More LIMITED EDITION Series Sets
Schizoid, Siva, and T.N.P.

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Page 9......Another LIMITED EDITION SERIES SET,  Zodiac 
Also - About the SIGNATURE Sets, Standard and Uranian that comes with the PRO VERSION
Also-Frames and Templates
To Frames and Templates

Page 10......About FONTICS
Chivalry, Far East, Graffiti, and Headline

Page 11.......Some more FONTICS
Merlin, Poetry, Shadow, Shakespeare and Spock

Page 12.......Breakdown of pricing for The LIMITED EDITION Series Sets, FONTICS, and SIGNATURE Sets with
Standard, Uranian and the Frames & Templates