Birth Chart Astrology

By understanding the astrological patterns in our astrological natal birth charts we can better understand the dynamics of our lives .

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More Individual Reports Below......


Merlin Natal: 15 pages - Sensitively written in easy to understand chapters. Midpoint interpretations are included.  
$10   $5
Sample   ish Sample in Spanish

Solar Writer Modern: 21 pages - Well developed natal report great for beginners who want to probe deeply, yet not get overwhelmed by too much of the technical. Solar Writer Modern has a rhythmic approach to understanding the main principles to one's birth chart. 
$12     $6  Emailed    Sample

AstroInsight: 35 pages - For those who want to deeply delve into many modern and subtle aspects of their chart, this report does it. Aspects such as noviles and tredeciles which are not covered in other reports are covered here. Chiron and retrogrades planets in the natal chart are also discussed.
 $12      $6    Emailed     Sample

The SkyWithin:17 pages - This report gives you the basics of understanding your self via your horoscope. If you are one who might get overwhelmed with too much much information right off the bat, this report will offer as much as you can easy assimilate. Focuses on planet and sign information, as well as the North Node.
$12      $6    Emailed         Sample

Life Path Report: 14 pages - Life Path is a unique natal report in that it explores not just the planets, signs, houses and hard and soft planetary aspects, but also retrograde planets, the north node and house rulerships. $10      $5      Sample

Alpha Imprints: 20 pages - Alpha Imprints is a very straight forward natal report covering planets in signs, signs on houses, and planets in houses and planetary aspects.
$10      $5   Emailed           Sample

Astro Talk: 40 pages - Detailed information on the birth chart discussing major topics such as chart patterns, elemental balances, challenges and abilities, current major cycles, and astrological basics.
$18      $9    
Emailed            Sample

Indra: Over 30 pages - As you read about and understand your birth chart through twelve chapters you find yourself understanding steps to interpreting an astrological horoscope. This report goes into great detail towards understanding the different facets to one's life with the focus on one's creative and enlightening potential.
$15      $7.50
   Emailed            Sample

Professional Natal Report: 30 pages - Covers all basic levels of the birth chart, the North Node, Chiron, elemental basics, and astrological academics. Extremely well written and intelligent report.
Can only be mailed     $25    Sample

Professional Natal report is $30 outside the US.

Chinese Western Astrology: 10 pages - The New Astrology report combines Western astrological sun signs with Chinese astrology signs.  The introduction of the report provides basic information about the differences between the Western and Chinese time cycles. With the variety of 12 Western astrology signs and the 12 Chinese astrology signs there are 144 possible combinations that any person may be.

Both astrological systems use information to define character traits based on the elements fire, air, water and earth. 

Western astrology uses qualities fixed, cardinal and mutable. Chinese astrology uses the qualities yin and yang.

By combining information from both systems character traits and compatibilities of an individual can be more clearly understood.


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Address: Awakenings, Inc., P.O. Box 10672 Prescott, AZ 86304-0672